Crédit photo : Emilie Iggiotti
Un « à propos » est un petit exercice de style, mais je pense que je vais vous parler de moi assez simplement. Je m’appelle Emilie, je suis une grenobloise de 35 ans et une maman épanouie de 3 enfants.
J’ai toujours aimé cuisiner (et accessoirement manger) aussi longtemps que je m’en souvienne. Il faut dire que depuis toute petite, et les albums photos chez mes parents en témoignent, j’ai très souvent un truc à manger dans la main, que ce soit une pomme ou un biscuit ! Tout ça pour dire que j’ai toujours été gourmande de tout. La cuisine à toujours fait partie intégrante de ma vie, I am very curious and I love to “test” mixtures and discover new tastes, but like everyone else it is not always a success (yes i am human too). I think I make people happy at home (Anyway, I have no complaints. !) because there is rarely twice the same dish to eat, yes otherwise I would have very little to offer you here !
Today I have transformed this passion into a profession, I'm a photography freelancer., food stylist and artistic director.
Aime & eat it's my little garden to me since 2014, even though I started 2011 to discover the world of the blog. Aime & eating is a true philosophy of life, this blog grows and evolves with me, he is now a vegetarian because it has been our way of life since 5 ans. I also offer recipes without milk., vegan or gluten-free, because cooking is above all about discovering new ways of doing things. I like more than anything to transmit, and I hope that this blog is and will be for a long time a nice place where we can discuss together around the kitchen.

28.7.14It's too good !
8.8.14Very nice this little photo !
beautiful memories… 😉
See you soon !
14.8.14Thank you very much my beautiful 😉
12.8.14Very nice this new site Bravo !
14.8.14Wow, I'm a bit stuffy, I could clearly see the Emilie touch & Lea’s secret, but I did not understand everything ! Ce nouveau site est superbe & les recettes donnent toujours envie !
Bravo & miiiiam !
14.8.14Lol mais non c’est normal, tant de changements !!!
Mille mercis pour ces compliments je suis vraiment touchée ^-^
See you soon around then !
22.8.14Ravie de te retrouver ici aussi !!! 🙂
22.8.14Merci miss Olivia !
Vous êtes vraiment talentueuse!
9.9.14Merci beaucoup pour ce super compliment !
9.9.14coucou la Miss, quelle surprise en passant voir ton précédent site de voir que tu as ouvert ce nouveau… Je suis épatée par ce que tu fais. Bravo ! Congratulation ! Et les photos sont superbe. Tu es magnifique.
10.9.14Oh thank you so much my dear, ça me touche beaucoup ce que tu me dis là ! We will meet soon, dès que tu es de passage, n’hésite pas !
18.9.14J’aimais bien emilie and lea’s secrets ! And I think it will continue with
aime & mange !
20.9.14Cool Iza ! I'm glad you like this new universe 😉
19.9.14wow !! I meet you here, your blog is great !! 🙂
20.9.14Merciiiii my belle ^-^
Céline My market gardener in a saucepan
21.9.14Nice this presentation and really VERY spectacular this cotton candy!! 🙂
21.9.14Thank you Céline yes she is HUGE !!!
24.9.14I discovered your blog today while I regularly followed the articles of Émilie & Lea, et… I like, I adore, I like! It is very beautiful and the photos are wonderful.! Bravo, I would like to have such a beautiful blog one day 🙂
26.9.14Rhoooo thank you very much Julie for these compliments ^-^ Just a big THANK YOU !!!
26.9.14I thought also, this "paw" is not unknown to me…;-). Wonderful site, beautiful pictures… As usual! Nice to meet you! See you soon!
9.10.14Lol !!! Thanks my beauty <3
With great pleasure to meet you here 😉
CHAPEL Christèle
8.10.14I love your site. It's perfect, it's the kitchen that I love…….It's beautiful and delicious for the eyes. I can't wait to taste
well done and thank you
9.10.14Yeah thank you very much Christèle for these nice compliments ^-^
Christel B
I'm trying to find you through facebook but can't ?
A solution ?
Your blog is great…appetizing !!! Well done it's beautiful and delicious !
Good evening
21.10.14So I don't see…
Thank you very much for these great compliments in any case, it always makes me happy to hear nice things.
10.11.14Ah ah ok so now I read the “about” to know a little more about you and… that’s it I understood everything, en fait je te connais déjà un peu via Emilie and Lea’s secrets. Ah ah what a gourd I am !
12.11.14Lol !!! I'm delighted to see you here miss !!!
// Grenoble
23.11.14This photo is adorable !
nice blog ! Your recipes are wonderful – miiiiam !
See you soon ~
23.11.14Thank you very much Dana, you are adorable 😉
28.11.14Nice to rediscover you my dear ! And I really like your latest recipes, you think well. Your work is always very beautiful. See you soon !
28.11.14Yeah merci Laurence t’es adorable, your compliments mean a lot to me !!!
See you soon 😉
14.12.14very pretty….I love it ♥
Really well done and good luck 🙂
14.12.14Thank you very much Sabrina, it's nice 😉
Sheep Maryse
25.12.14Whoops, handling error I unsubscribed… and re-registered !
Thank you for the good recipes and I'll be going back soon because, In effect, I'm in the kitchen.
See you soon
25.12.14Thank you so much, good preparation then ! Have a good holiday !
8.1.15Good evening, I discovered your blog thanks to I do not know any other blog, and my god i'm in love, I love your recipes, your style, the fact that you try so many vegetables, both vegan and non-vegan recipes (since with my lover we have not veg). I have a favorite icon with all the recipes I have to test and they only come from your blog! I don't know if you plan to make it your job one day, but you should! (it's a girl in the business who tells you that 🙂 )
Kisses !
11.1.15So that's a hell of a statement., I blush !!! Thank you very much for all these nice compliments Marine, it's adorable 😉
Kisses !
27.1.15Me trying to eat better and eat well, especially less meat (I'm a meat-eater in normal times), this blog is a real source of inspiration. I'm not using all the recipes yet., but they make me dream a lot and half too.
Thank you for these beautiful recipes every time and congratulations for all the work that must involve !
28.1.15Then, thank you very much for this little note, it makes me very very happy !!!
28.1.15Hello Emily,
I discovered you this morning via FB, I must be your 502nd like… Your bolg is all I love, simple, clean and full of good recipes. Good luck with your solo adventure.. Treat us to your culinary discoveries. I have 40 ans, a big, a teenager 2 chat(-tes : I can assure you that this precision is important). Good week.
31.1.15Oh so thank you very much So 😉 Thank you for all these lovely compliments, it touches me deeply !
Yes indeed it is important ;p
2.2.15You have a great creative mind, especially well colored 🙂
3.2.15Thank you so much Scarlett for your compliments, how nice !
6.3.15Your blog is fabulous for anyone who , like me , avoid gluten and lactose ! And the kitchen for two , finally a way not to waste ! a big thank-you !
11.3.15Oh thank you so much Emma that's so kind, I'm happy to be able to give ideas 😉
12.3.15Beautiful your photo, I had not seen it on the blog! I just discovered it on the Yummy 21 :)Thank you for your wonderful photos and recipes.!
13.3.15Thank you Manon ^-^ As always you are adorable !
27.3.15bonjour, a few words to tell you that I really like your blog. I just made the gingerbread, He is perfect!
it is a pleasure to follow you… I am a ceramist, I mainly do dishes and the pleasures of the table are very important to me.
check out my tumblr, maybe you will also see commonalities between our two universes.
27.3.15Hello Marion,
thank you very much for these nice compliments. I rushed to see your tumblr and I fell in love with your work. Everything is really beautiful and I was already imagining stagings…
Kudos to you for your work !
Soumaya dijkstra
11.4.15You are beautiful !!! Best wishes
14.4.15Thank you very much Soumaya 😉
19.4.15Very nice site to which I will subscribe. It's good to see gluten-free ideas multiply
19.4.15Thank you Nathalie and welcome then 😉
22.4.15What a beautiful blog and stunning pictures!!
22.4.15Thanks so much Patrizia 😉
16.5.15Hello Emily, ton site est absolument somptueux ! Je vais m’empresser de tester l’une de tes recettes qui ont l’air toutes plus bonnes les unes que les autres! a big thank-you!
21.5.15Mille merci Romane pour ces compliments, j’ai les joues toutes rouges ^-^
26.5.15Merci pour ce site super gourmand dans tous les sens du terme! Je dois manger sans lait et sans gluten depuis pas longtemps et c’est un peu la déprime. Your recipes make me smile and want to get back into the kitchen.!
27.5.15Thank you very much Stéphanie ^-^ Glad to make you smile !
15.6.15Hello chick 🙂
Your blog is just awesome 🙂 And your photos are beautiful ! I would have liked to see you at work, I love the rendering
It was a real pleasure to meet you this weekend., I hope to see you again very soon 🙂
Kisses !!!
16.6.15Hey, thank you very much my beautiful you are too cute 😉
Oh yes, we will have to redo a drunken princess evening !!!
Kisses !
18.6.15A very well done blog! Thank you for all your recipes and great photos. !
Kisses 🙂
20.6.15Thank you Amanda for your compliments 🙂
19.10.15It's beautiful to watch, I devour your site with my eyes 🙂
8.11.15Thank you very much Cathy, it's adorable !
monique reboulleau
17.11.15very nice site ♥ only good things
15.12.15Thank you very much Monica ♥
18.11.15Very nice and interesting. I continue my walk here…
15.12.15Merci, merci, merci ♥
Miss Pat'
12.1.16Hello Emily ! I wanted to, by the way, to write you a short note to tell you that I love your blog, I always love the recipes you share here ! Well done ! Kisses and see you very soon…
14.1.16Thank you very much miss, it's too cute your little word <3
12.3.16I am subscribed to this wonderful blog, but I hadn't taken the time to leave a little comment. One word BRAVO, I adore…..All….le design, the style, the recipes and especially the photos. Looking forward to reading you,
24.3.16Thank you very much Crystal for this little word 😉
16.10.16Hello Emily,
Juste un petit pour mot pour te féliciter pour ce très beau blog et ces recettes qui donnent tellement envie !
Malod Julie
5.11.16Hello, your site is deliciously pleasant to read, I really appreciate the great pictures., very nice work that makes us hungry. I have just treated my son to 3 years thanks to your butternut soup (no ravioli, I did without!) I just added a little turmeric-paprika and a hint of sugar ….A delight! thank you SO MUCH for all these healthy ideas ! nice continuation to you…Julie M
12.11.16Very nice recipes and a really unique blog…THANK YOU Line
14.12.16Oh thank you very much Caroline 😉
Anna M. Biloba
18.12.16Stunning !
Thank you for creating this site !
Very clear, beau, full of delicious ideas .
We feel the Love that constitutes it. . !
Belle continuation Emilie !
21.12.16Oh thank you very much Anna it's so cute <3
19.6.18Your blog is very beautiful, Emily!
And the pictures really make you want!
Congratulation !!:-)
However, it is necessary to update the arrival of the little Esme, in the description of your life!!:-)
25.6.18Thank you Larissa 😉 Yes it's true you're right I'll fix that 😉
Kisses !
Muriel DEBAR
24.6.19I ADORE , ALL … VERY GOOD! !
24.6.19Thank you so much !
Helene Rno
4.7.19I finally take the time to look at your new site, Emilie. bravo ! Very soft, so greedy, very professional ! Helen
17.7.19Thank you very much Hélène for your little word which makes me very happy 🙂
18.7.19Hello Emily!
Often disappointed with traditional sites, I look forward to testing your ideas, both simple and original.!!!
Vegetarian , I don't have your insurance in the kitchen, and I am delighted to have discovered your site which I feel, will boost my taste buds ..
Thanks to you, I have lots of recipes to try during the holidays . and as I'm going to spend a few days in Brittany, this will be the opportunity to make your pretty buckwheat flour pancakes ( BIO)
I'll let you know
Many thanks
1.8.19So a thousand thanks Marie for this lovely word from you which gives all the meaning to the work I do on the blog 🙂
Have a great holiday in Brittany and enjoy !
22.7.19Merci, this is exactly my anchor point and I am happy to have found your site completely by chance …
So with great pleasure, to discover your kitchen; Merci
1.8.19Oh thank you so much it means a lot to me <3
30.11.19For the eyes first and obviously for the taste, your blog is awesome. thank you for your work. I discovered your blog thanks to Natasha Green echoes.
4.12.19Oh thank you very much Liza for this touching little word 🙂 Have a nice day !
Christiane Monod
29.4.20Happy to have made your discovery thanks to my daughter who follows you from Los Angeles and who pointed me to your site when I told her that I had gone to pick flowering elderberry umbrellas to make syrup.
See you soon for more exchanges, a Languedoc grandmother
1.6.20Oh thank you so much Christian, I am delighted and it means a lot to me 🙂
Beautiful day !
4.6.20Nice discovery, I look forward to trying the recipes !
5.6.20Oh thank you very much for this little note ! Nice discovery then 🙂
Nadia Notin
10.6.20I'm a fan, I love your blog and your recipes even though I am not a vegetarian., I'm getting there slowly.
13.6.20So there a big thank you, it's the kind of little word that boosts me and makes me want to give and transmit even more 😉
12.6.20I discover…. Awesome !
13.6.20Thank you very much Blandine 😉 Nice discovery !
25.10.20Hello Emily, we are almost neighbors, I live in Grésivaudan and I have been following your blog for a long time. I get a lot of inspiration from it.. There it is your rustic dough that makes me eye. Very interesting for a delicate gut like me! (I have 14 tested and prohibited foods including …dairy products and gluten) then this pasta for savory dish is great. I make it a point of honor not to weigh down my pathology on the taste buds of my loved ones… I'm going to try this rustic dough (the brown color of buckwheat is crisp) very quickly: MERCI!
11.11.20Oh thank you Annie for this message, I'm glad you found the sole for your sensitive foot 😉
See you soon !
Anne Laure
31.1.21Hello Emily,
I have been following you for a few years and I love your recipes.. I find that when we follow your recipe we always get a nice result and I like it!
Thank you for all your mouth-watering recipes and photos., make us dream
I'm looking for a good cookbook and I thought of you. Do you have a book of your recipes and beautiful photos?
If not, do you have a good/nice vegetarian recipe book? ( I can't eat cow's milk anymore, butter…) to advise me?
Thank you and look forward to making your recipes.,
Anne Laure
2.2.21Oh thank you very much Anne-Laure 🙂
Non, I do not have (encore) writing a book and unfortunately I do not know of an author who has tackled the subject from the angle of vegetarianism !
I hope you will continue to find your happiness around here 😉
Beautiful day !
Burel Francoise
Braid Danielle
13.6.22Hello Emile,
I am conquered by your blog ,visual flash by these sublime photos ,dressing of products,explosions of colors, the look is flattered, the taste buds are already salivating, I can't wait to taste,enjoy,discover new dishes,for that ,I call on chef François my companion, he's the boss, me the clerk.
how i found you ?
Papa, mom ,we have recently been neighbors in FRÉJUS.
We hit it off right away and sometimes share good times .
Congratulations to you beautiful presentation that reflects sincerity simplicity passion.
Bravo !
See you soon
Danielle & François
6.7.22Thank you very much Danielle for this lovely comment posted here.
I hope you will find your happiness among the many recipes 🙂
Looking forward !