Bricks aux épinards, feta and grapes

Bricks aux épinards

Épinards mon amourOui je vous avoue aujourd’hui mon amour pour ce légume détesté des enfants mais adoré de Popeye ! Et pour ne pas mettre de beurre (ha ha la bonne blague !) dans les épinards, je vous propose d’y ajouter de la feta et des raisins secs et d’en faire des bricks bien croustillantes ! J’adore les bricks, simples à réaliser, elles sont déclinables à l’infini. SO, comme je vous avais déjà préparé des bricks à la feta et aux herbes, on reste dans le vert avec ces bricks aux épinards.

A little sweet and salty side with raisins and baking to make it lighter after the holidays and The kings' cake, enough to attract all gourmets !!! Who wants good bricks for tonight ?!

Bricks aux épinards

Recette de Bricks aux épinards

Bricks aux épinards, feta and grapes
For a dozen bricks
To print
  1. 1 packet of brick sheets
  2. 400 g fresh spinach
  3. 200 g of feta
  4. 50 g raisins
  5. Salt and pepper
  6. Olive oil
  1. Preheat the oven to 200°.
  2. Rinse the spinach in plenty of water and blanch it for 4 minutes in salted boiling water or put them to cook 6 minutes in the steamer. Drain them well and chop them coarsely.
  3. In a bowl mix together the crushed feta, grapes and spinach then season.
  4. To make the bricks, place the stuffing in the middle of the pastry sheet then form a square by folding the sides.
  5. Arrange them on a baking sheet and brush them with olive oil..
  6. Bake 15 minutes.
aime & mange
Bricks aux épinards


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  • Juliette

    Me me, I want some ! This mix is ​​just perfect, I adore.

  • Celine

    This is a very good idea that I will hasten to test.! Merci

  • lydia

    Nice recipe ! Have a nice week end

  • Jenna's Bistro

    Too good 🙂 I like brick sheets and we cook them a thousand and one way !

  • Home cooking

    Divine recipes, all crispy on the outside and divinely soft and tasty on the inside. A great moment of pleasure on your site, I love it and I will come back. Have a good week Pascal

  • Rosenoisettes

    Yummyum, it looks delicious and exotic!

  • Isabelle of Guinzan

    I tested and really approved ! It was perfect and less time than I expected since it is ready very quickly in the end ! For my part I just replaced the grapes with pine nuts, matter of taste. But yes, everyone ate spinach with pleasure at home, and it was not won 🙂

    • Emilie

      Awesome Isabelle, I'm more than happy that everyone enjoyed it, It makes me very happy to know that my recipes are appreciated ^-^