Butter Bredele {without milk}


Voici une recette de famille que je vous dévoile aujourd’hui, celle de la grand-mère de alsacienne de Monsieur. Des butter bredele juste parfait, si vous ne savez pas ce que sont ces biscuits de Noël, ce sont en fait des biscuits sablés, sûrement la variété la plus connue de bredele ! C’est la recette que je fais toujours avec les enfants car ils adorent utiliser des emporte-pièces. Cette année, nous avons choisis des flocons et des étoiles pour garnir nos boites à biscuits. Oui parce que le but de tout ça, is to make different varieties of bredele and offer them at Christmas.

The butter bredele are a little delight to devour at any time,

with a hot drink it's our favorite thing ! We also like to eat them on Christmas morning, where we prepare on the table small sweet and savory things to nibble in the form of brunch (between us it's less headache than a meal at the table !!!). You can decorate them with icing or leave them as they are., I put you the recipe for royal icing but there is nothing mandatory ! if you are looking for other recipes for your cookie boxes I published quite a while ago of the cinnamon star et des gingerbread man cookies ! To your cookies, there is still time to prepare

Alsatian cookies
cookies without milk
christmas cookies

Butter Bredele {without milk}


  • 750 g of T65 or T80 flour
  • 300 g of margarine 80% de MG
  • 400 grams of sugar
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1/2 packet of yeast
  • 1 pinch of vanilla powder

FOR THE GLAZE (optional)

  • 200 g icing sugar
  • 1 egg white
  • a few drops of lemon juice
  • work together, in a robot with a leaf or by hand, margarine and sugar to form a frothy mixture.
  • Then add the egg yolks one by one then the vanilla.
  • Finish by adding the flour and yeast all at once and sand the dough to form a ball.
  • Book cool 30 min.
  • Preheat the oven to 180°.
  • Roll out the dough to 3-4mm and cut out the cookies with your favorite cookie cutters !
  • Bake 12-13 min and leave to cool on a wire rack.
  • For the icing, beat the egg white with the lemon juice to make it lightly foam then add the icing sugar little by little (add water if it is too thick or, on the contrary, icing sugar if too liquid).
  • Glaze your cookies according to your imagination then let dry 1 hour.
  • Keep at least 1 month in a tin box.
cookie box

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  • Muriel

    Today is Saint Nicholas, I just have time to do it…Mia Mia

    • Caramelito

      red, I would like to celebrate St Nicolas with your Bredeles. You know come find me, I am in B120:) OK girls, me all that makes me dream, continue., continue

  • Martine-Spivoine


    I just discovered, with great pleasure, this bredele recipe that I like ; but i wonder where i can find the cookie cutters you use. They are very nice and child friendly, including the big ones, It's a plus !

    Recipe that I will try from the beginning of December, just before the arrival of Pére Fouettard to coax him ! Thanks for the recipe !
    If you could give me an address where to find them, that would satisfy me.
    Thanks in advance – Have a good day – Kisses


    • Emilie

      Thank you Martin 🙂
      For cookie cutters they simply come from Ikea, I had found them last year so I think with luck they are still there !
      Good day and see you soon !