Rustic rye flour scones, cottage cheese et cranberries

Scones rustiques à la farine de seigle

Il y a un temps (ça fait vieille ça non ?!) j’étais fan de cottage cheese, j’avais découvert ce fromage frais en Israël lors de notre voyage avec Monsieur. Ne croyez pas que je n’aime plus ça mais j’en mangeais très souvent à l’époque. Et puis j’ai un peu oublié ce fromage frais et j’en suis revenue pour le cuisiner.

Juste l’envie de tester le cottage dans une recette improvisée de scones rustiques et le résultat est vraiment bien (sinon je ne vous proposerais pas la recette !).

Scones rustiques à la farine de seigle

Scones rustiques à la farine de seigle

Crunchy-soft scones, just the way I like them ! I called them scones but they're not really, you understood, hein ?!

Rustic rye flour scones, cottage cheese et cranberries

Ingredients (for about fifteen)

  • 160 g de cottage cheese
  • 120 g semi-whole wheat flour
  • 100 g of rye flour
  • 80 g cane sugar
  • 80 g of butter
  • 70 g de cranberries / lingonberries
  • 60 g cereal flakes
  • 1 egg
  • 50 ml of milk
  • 1 c. at c. bomb of yeast
  • 1 pinch of salt


Preheat the oven to 200°.

Work, by hand or robot, flours with sugar, cereal flakes, the yeast, salt and butter to obtain a breadcrumb-like mixture.

Then add the cottage cheese, milk and egg to prepare and work the dough. add, to finish , les cranberries.

Form and place balls of dough on a baking tray.

Bake 18 minutes.

Scones rustiques à la farine de seigle

Scones rustiques à la farine de seigle

Enjoy as is or with butter !!! They are perfect for a snack or breakfast…


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  • Muriel

    Oh the Cracking … But what beautiful photos !

  • Yum ! I would love one ! 😉

  • Lili

    Wow, these scones are so beautiful, enough to make an Englishman quiver with envy ! 🙂 Kisses kisses !!

  • miss kitchen

    The photos are just magnificent ! I'm coming for snack ^^

  • BoopCook

    j’adooore, they look really sooooo GOOD ! and the photos…nothing to say, they are just superb =)

  • They look really good!

  • Rosenoisettes

    Although a little too golden, they are beautiful and make me want a tea break :)

  • Claire-tte

    Hold, It makes me want to go buy cottage cheese, NOW ! Especially in scones, it's a very good idea… So British!

  • Marie

    It makes me want to snack on one in peace, by crumbling it with your fingertips 🙂

  • stephatable

    Never tried the scones.. but what could I have eaten in England .. It makes me want that again 😉

  • Mrs. DeYarmond

    I'm jealous of the photos every time ! It looks awesome ! I discovered cottage cheese in Israel too hihi ! Very pretty scones, it makes you want !

    • Emilie

      Haha the world is small !!! Thank you very much miss 😉

  • marines

    Can’t wait this weekend so I can try the recipe 🙂

  • Mama Dine

    The temptation is too great…. I won't resist it :)))
    Very beautiful photos (well I'm really going to have to change the chorus) and this more than delicious recipe, Here’s one more recipe on my to do list 🙂
    Have a nice evening and thank you for sharing

    • Emilie

      No no no don't change the chorus, Your compliments always make me very happy ^_^
      Thanks to you !

  • Estelle

    Your photos are so inspiring ! And too bad if they’re not “real” scones, they still look great !

    Have a nice day Emilie 🙂

    • Emilie

      ^_^ thank you, you're kro mimi
      Beautiful day !

  • veropapilles

    These scones look terrible., it must be a treat for the taste buds in the morning. Greetings and have a nice weekend. Vero

  • misspatbio

    Scones like no other. Nice photos ! Thank you and have a great afternoon, with the sun 😉