Butternut squash and roasted onions with zaatar and tahini sauce

Courge butternut et oignons rôtis au zaatar

La cuisine du moyen-orient est pour moi une énorme source d’inspiration et de plaisir. Mais cette recette juste exceptionnelle est inspirée du magnifique livre Jérusalem de Yotam Ottolenghi et Sami Tamini, Monsieur m’a offert ce livre pour Noël et je l’adore !

De la courge butternut et des oignons grillés au zaatar, le tout servi avec une sauce tahiné qui nous emmène en voyage en Israël. Et je suis sûre que vous avez envie de partir en voyage avec moi !!!

Courge butternut et oignons rôtis au zaatar

A dish that is sufficient in itself !

Butternut squash and roasted onions with zaatar and tahini sauce

Ingredients (pour 2)

  • 1 small butternut squash
  • 2 onions
  • 4 c. to s. olive oil
  • 2 c. to s. the zaatar

For the tahini sauce

  • 3 c. to s. the tahini (sesame paste)
  • 2 c. to s. water
  • 1 c. to s. lemon juice
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 c. at c. de gros sel


Preheat the oven to 220°.

Cut the squash into strips and the onions into large quarters then place them on a baking tray. Add the zaatar and olive oil then put in the oven 35 minutes.

During this time, prepare the tahini sauce by mixing the garlic in a blender, coarse salt and lemon juice. Mix well then add the water and the tahini then mix again.

Serve the sauce with the vegetables and enjoy !

Courge butternut et oignons rôtis au zaatar


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  • marines

    I have more butternut 🙁 on the other hand, the tahin, I adore!!! I need to find a solution to make your recipe!

  • Thumb's blog

    And here I am absent from the web for a while, and I found a ton of recipes, each one as tempting as the next. You girls are not idle 😉

  • poupougnette

    I have already made a similar recipe, except that it was potatoes that accompanied the tahini sauce. How I love squash, I won't hesitate to try it next time!! 😉 nice evening. Kisses

  • I discovered zaatar, thank you Emilie 🙂

  • guez

    I am also a huge fan of Ottolenghi.
    I adore!!!!!!!