Biscuits filled with dates “the dattolus”

Biscuits fourrés aux dattes

Je voue un amour inconditionnel à la version industrielle au figues des « dattolus ». Ces biscuits sont toute mon enfance (enfin pas tout à fait quand même !) et ne se sont pas démodés.

J’aime aussi beaucoup les dattes, je trouve que c’est un fruit séché savoureux et nourrissant parfait pour nos goûters ou en-cas d’hiver. SO, des biscuits qui mixent mon gouter d’enfance et mon fruit sec favori, il fallait que je teste ça !!! Le résultat est un peu plus friable que la version industrielle mais qu’est-ce que c’est bon !!!

Biscuits filled with dates “the dattolus”

Ingredients (for twenty)

  • 200 g of flour
  • 80 g of butter
  • 75 g icing sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 25 g ground almonds
  • 1/2 c. at c. of sel
  • De la vanille en poudre

Pour la farce aux dattes

  • 220 g medjool dates
  • 1 c. to s. of honey


To prepare your dough, work the butter and icing sugar by hand so that the butter becomes “ointment”. Then add the whole egg and work the mixture again. Add the flour, almond powder,vanilla and salt all at once and mix until you obtain a very smooth paste.

Form a ball and refrigerate 1 hour.

Preheat the oven to 180°.

Make the date stuffing, To do this, pit the dates and mix them with the honey to obtain a homogeneous mixture., add a little water if needed.

Roll out the dough to 5mm thickness and cut strips of approximately 6 cm

Make date stuffing sausages of approximately 1 centimeter in diameter and length of the strips. Then place the sausages on the strips of pasta and roll everything up. Then cut sections every 5 cm.

Place the biscuits on a baking tray and bake 25 minutes.

Biscuits fourrés aux dattes

Take anywhere for a snack !


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  • A great idea, these little biscuits…

  • It must be really good!! hummmm I also have dates in the cupboard which should end up in cookies!!!

  • As soon as we talk about biscuits, I am present … and if you also put dates in it I’ll love it 😉 Besides, my son, seeing your photos, let out little cries of joy, I think he wants a piece of it !!!

    Have a nice week end.

    • Emilie

      Lol !!!
      Thanks my beauty (and to your son !!!) 😉

  • Yum ! These are cookies that are as pretty as they are delicious., I am sure !

    Thanks for sharing 😉

  • Lili

    Waaaaa and mmmmm ! I'm feeling a little hungry now, I just want a dattolu !!! Mioum, what a great idea !!! Kisses my beautiful !!!

  • And

    Hum….. These cookies look delicious.!
    I can imagine them with figs to replace the dates……….

  • OOoh I'll steal one from you in passing!! it looks divine!

  • Superb recipe that makes you salivate!

  • Aix guinea fowl

    Hello, I am also a huge fan of figolu, your recipe is delicious, even with dates because unfortunately we also really like makrouts… By the way, you know the super supermarket ? Two girls who make food hits at home ? Go see it's great !

    • Emilie

      Yes the super supermarket, on adore !!! And the makrouts too for that matter !!! 😀

  • Me too, it reminds me of my childhood, my father often bought them for snacks, then house , it must be even better;) kisses and happy Sunday

  • Cheese Cath or Dessert ? Dessert !!!

    You make me want to make some with figs, because like you, this little cookie rocked my childhood and much more… It's been forever since I ate one., but there you really made me want, because your cookies look to die for !
    Bises bises

  • yum everything I like !!!!

  • Mrs Deer

    Very nice photos on this blog! I really like! Congratulations!!

    • Emilie

      Thank you so much.
      I didn't know your blog but it's superb.
      Thank you for stopping by here because I will come back there…

  • Nadi[Art]Design

    I’m literally melting in front of this recipe that I didn’t know but I love dates so much :) Thank you!!

  • Emilie

    Oh merciii…It’s true that dates are good !!!

  • Sharasad

    very good idea to share very delicious recipes thank you for your sharing, and thank you to my friend NADIA who invites me to all her culinary desires

  • Aurelia

    So this is it , I tried it and it’s delicious ! Thanks for this great idea ! And in my second batch I didn't put honey but small pieces of candied oranges and it was great! See you soon!

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you very much Aurel, I am delighted and what a great idea the orange is, I love it 😀