Sourdough English muffins

Quel bonheur de se lever le matin et de déguster de bons petits pains maison tout chauds, alors oui je sais je vous vends du rêve là mais c’est ce que je vous propose avec ces english muffins maison au levain ! Mais si vous savez ces petits pains anglais servis chaud avec une garniture sucrée ou salée et maltraités par Mc D***** à l’heure du petit déjeuner ! Là on redonne toutes ces lettres de noblesse au muffin anglais avec une recette saine et nourrissante. Alors si vous avez encore un levain qui traîne dans le frigo, now is the time to reactivate it and start making these homemade English muffins !
Perfect breakfast, these buns adapt to everything,
sweet or savory, it's up to you to choose what you prefer as a topping. The little extra, is that you can freeze them once cooked without problem, and that you can take them out at will on mornings when there is nothing left in the cupboards or when you are missing a muffin ! In short you will see the recipe is super simple, but like all sourdough bread making requires a little time before, yes, nature and good things require time and patience (little meditation of the day hello !).

Sourdough English muffins

- 730 g of flour T65
- 200 g of active sourdough
- 450 ml of soy milk
- 40 grams of sugar
- 10 g de sel
- polenta to sprinkle
- In the bowl of a mixer fitted with a hook (or in a bowl to knead by hand), pour the milk, leaven, sugar and salt then add flour, and knead approximately 1/2 minutes.
- Let the dough rest covered and in a warm place for 30 minutes.
- Knead the dough again for 5 minutes by hand or robot.
- Arrange the dough in a salad bowl, cover and let rise at room temperature for about 8 hours.
- Roll out the dough onto a work surface previously floured with a mixture of flour and polenta, on 2 cm.
- Cut out rounds using a cookie cutter and place them on a baking tray covered with baking paper..
- Sprinkle with polenta on top.
- Leave to rest covered 30 minutes.
- For cooking, heat a frying pan without fat then cook 4 minutes on each side and covered over medium heat.
- Enjoy immediately or the next day by cutting them in half and placing them under the grill !

26.11.24Merci 😉