Romanesco cabbage gratin with blue cheese, walnuts and vegetable cream

Gratin de chou romanesco

Dans la série on se met au vert cette semaine, je vous propose un gratin avec un joli chou que j’adore, le chou romanesco. J’adore le côté graphique du chou romanesco mais aussi son goût que j’ai voulu allier au bleu pour le côté gratin au fromage (et oui le fromage et moi !!!) et aux noix (de Grenoble bien sûr) pour le croquant.

Gratin de chou romanesco

Parfait pour un repas léger et gourmand !

Romanesco cabbage gratin with blue cheese, noix de Grenoble et crème végétale

Ingredients (pour 2)

  • 1/2 chou romanesco
  • 100 g de bleu
  • 50 g walnuts
  • 20 cl of vegetable cream


Preheat the oven to 200°.

Cut the tops of Romanesco cabbage and cook them 12 minutes in salted boiling water. Drain and run under cold water. Then put it in a baking dish..

Gratin de chou romanesco

Add the blue in pieces, walnuts and vegetable cream.

Bake 20 min.


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  • Lolotte

    Every time I see romanesco cabbage I wonder how to cook it, so I keep your recipe, there's everything I like in it!

  • Anne

    Another great recipe!!
    I have been following your blog for a short time but I have become a fan!! 🙂 Your pictures, your recipes, your universe…it's great! I adore!!

  • Syl

    I discover your blog, I adore.
    See you soon

  • flower47

    I like broccoli better but this recipe looks nice, I will try;
    Good evening, FLaure

  • cookparadise

    A delightful interpretation

    I wish you a nice start to the week

  • The lemon

    Hmmmm… And say you make me want cabbage…

  • poupougnette

    very nice this little gratin!! I like it very much!! ^^
    Good evening girls. Kisses

  • An almost light recipe (if we stop at the cheese stage + nut). In any case the photos are very pretty and I agree with you the romanesco cabbage is just too beautiful !