The Irish Counter in Grenoble

Il est temps pour nous d’étoffer un peu notre carnet bonnes adresses et de vous faire profiter de ces boutiques, marchés, cafés et restaurants que nous aimons dans notre ville ou ailleurs. Et aujourd’hui c’est la boutique du Comptoir Irlandais que j’ai choisi.

Située place Sainte-Claire les Halles à Grenoble, cette boutique regorge de petits trésors culinaires des pays anglo-saxons. Car oui c’est un peu ce qui nous intéresse (si vous pensiez être sur un blog autre c’est raté, mais restez quand même !) !

The Irish Counter in Grenoble

On y trouve donc : de bons whiskys… (à consommer avec modération)

comptoir irlandais

Sauces like horseradish or the famous mint sauce to serve with “of course” lamb !

comptoir irlandais

Scone mixes, pancakes, cookies… and syrups to accompany them.

comptoir irlandais

Culinary preparations that escape us…non, non, I'm kidding, you know mincemeat, don't you? ?!

comptoir irlandais

Teas cuter than each other…

comptoir irlandais

But also quite a few things like fresh produce, sweets and chocolate. Anyway, this shop is really exotic.. It is always a great pleasure for me when I am traveling abroad to discover the supermarket shelves., oui, oui, there are lots of unknown products and I love that ! Well, that’s the effect that the Comptoir Irishman has on me when I go there.… I want to take everything to discover everything !

I can only advise you to go there and if you don't find what you're looking for, you can always leave with a pretty kilt !!!

comptoir irlandais

I wanted to clarify that these articles are not sponsored. (no no we get nothing), it's just the desire to help you discover places that we like !

I hope you liked it !


Practical information :
Irish Counter in Grenoble
Address : 1, rue Jean-François Hache – Place Sainte-Claire – 38000 Grenoble
Such. : 04 76 01 01 51 – Web :
Schedules : Monday: 14h – 19h – Tuesday to Wednesday : 10h – 13h / 14h – 19h – Thursday to Saturday: 10h – 19h

And other addresses in France…

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  • cookparadise

    Nice place

    Here I am finally, I have been terribly absent from the blog lately due to professional reasons..
    I don't forget my friends.
    Very nice day

  • toured

    fan of that of St Brieuc the boss is a real whiskey lover , much smaller than yours but I always find something to take away 🙂

  • Chestnut

    Nice discovery, I have never set foot there. So what to do next time I'm on Gre ! thank you girls !

  • Popsicles

    thank you for this visit and this great address … too bad it's so far !

    • Emilie

      Take a good look because there are stores of the same style in other cities…

  • Naelle

    My official golden syrup supplier ! My my my …

  • Stephanie

    I love this shop !
    While I wander through the culinary preparations and teas (I particularly love the whole range of Whittard of Chelsea fruit infusions), my husband, A big beer lover finds what he is looking for in their wide choice of English and Irish beers.

  • pascale

    Excellent !!!
    I adore…