Virgin sangria with peach and raspberries {alcohol-free}

virgin sangria recipes

 Cet été nous avons organisé une petite fête de famille en l’honneur de Mini-Mademoiselle. Le défi était de trouver une boisson qui allait plaire à tous le monde de 7 To 77 ans (enfin de 1 To 86 ans pour nous !) et y compris femmes enceintes. L’idée était donc de partir sur une boisson sans alcool, car nous en avions prévu pour le reste du repas, like that, ça nous faisait démarrer avec une note bien fraiche qui étancherait la soif de tous ! Anyway, trêve de tergiversation, je ne suis pas sûre que mes histoires de famille vous passionne, I therefore pass to the most important moi, the bleeding virgin !

So yes I know it's the second aperitif that I offer you in a week (is there a hidden message underneath, an invitation for this weekend… ?!), but i'm a reasonable girl (ostensibly) so it's a sangria without alcohol ! Run quickly and buy the good vine peaches and raspberries that are waiting for you and prepare yourself a good cocktail this weekend with the option I'm lounging in the sun, Toes wide open !!!

recette de sangria sans alcool

virgin sangria

Virgin sangria with peach and raspberries {alcohol-free}
Pour 1 glass
To print
  1. 6 cl of apple juice
  2. 3 cl of peach syrup
  3. Sparkling water
  4. the juice of half a lime
  5. 1/4 quartered peach
  6. 4 raspberries
  1. Pour the peach syrup into a glass, apple juice and lime juice.
  2. Fill with sparkling water then add the fruit.
  3. Enjoy chilled with crushed ice.
aime & mange
vrigin sangria


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  • jackie

    A great idea that must have satisfied all the guests.

    • Emilie

      Oh yes I confirm ! Thank you Jackie 😉

  • Mmmmm, I'm also falling for this one!!

  • Ohh she really makes you want ! I note it in a corner for a future event 🙂 !
    See you soon ^^

  • Muriel

    Then ! I confirm, I don't like alcohol,this cocktail was divine …
    A grandma who adored !

  • Royal Chill

    Never tested this version of sangria but we feel that we will not be long in view of the photos ! Awesome !

    • Emilie

      thank you girls, we'll have an aperitif together one day then !!!

  • Your ingredients are always so pretty! I have never seen peaches this color!

    • Emilie

      Merciiiii…I like to wander around the markets and I found these pretty vine peaches there !

  • cecily

    This non-alcoholic cocktail looks delicious

    • Emilie

      I confirm Cécily, it's fresh and at the top !!!

  • Jenna's Bistro

    What a pretty drink that I can't wait to taste … very pretty universe that I discovered here … Nice recipes and beautiful photos

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Jenna for these lovely compliments ^-^