Roasted beets with cranberries and mozzarella

Betteraves rôties

Adieu aubergines, courgettes,tomates et bonjour courges, betteraves et autres choux qui vont nous accompagner tout cet hiver. On commence donc les recettes d’automne avec les betteraves (ne vous inquiétez pas les courges arrivent bientôt hihi !), des betteraves rôties avec de bonnes airelles et accompagnées de billes de mozzarellaje suis sûre que je vous vends du rêves là ! Cette recette toute droit sortie de mon imagination (auto-congratulation) allie le côté terreux de la betterave à l’acidité de l’airelle et à la douceur lactée de la mozzarella, un petit plat qui à coup sûr épatera votre chéri(e)/your in-laws/ your friends/ your dog ?… These little beets come from my dad's vegetable garden but I'm sure your market gardener will be happy to provide you with some., at worst, take a slightly larger bunch of beets and cut them into quarters.

Serve as is as a main course or starter (halve the quantities) accompanied by a small glass of white wine I think it would be perfect (in moderation of course) Anyway, I say that, I say nothing because I can't test !

Betteraves rôties recette

Recette de betteraves rôties

Roasted beets with cranberries and mozzarella
Pour 4 people
To print
  1. 1 large bunch of baby beets
  2. 300 g of lingonberries
  3. About twenty mozzarella balls
  4. 4 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar
  5. Olive oil
  6. Salt and pepper
  1. Wash the beets, cut the tops and keep about twenty leaves.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200°.
  3. In a baking dish, arrange the beets then add the cranberries.
  4. Add the vinegar, olive oil, salt, pepper and bake 25-30 minutes, stirring from time to time to water the beets well with the juice.
  5. Serve the beets warm on their tops and accompanied by mozzarella balls.
aime & mange
Betteraves rôties aux airelles

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1 Comment
  • Lou

    What a great way to cook beets !