Birthday cake – Poppy and orange layer cake {sans gluten}

Birthday cake - Layer cake au pavot

30… Ça pourrait être le nombre d’étage de ce birthday cake, le temps de cuisson, ou encore le temps que j’ai mis à écrire cet article, But no, c’est bel est bien l’âge que je fête aujourd’hui. Vous l’aurez compris, I have 30 ans, j’assume à moitié et c’est mon anniversaire ! Passer la trentaine est un cap que dis-je-c’est un cap, c’est une péninsule, et jusqu’à maintenant je m’étais psychologiquement arrêtée à 28 ans lorsqu’on me demandait mon âge (et peux-être vais-je encore continuer ?!), story of gaining a few years and staying in your twenties. Because yes, now I realize that I am a big girl (finished the carelessness of 20 ans !), I am no longer a student, I have Mini-Mademoiselle, 2 chats, a big… in short, we digress ! Finally, 30 years is a good age… but hey one five big birthday cake to comfort me and help me get through it won't hurt me !!!

If you knew how long I've been wanting to try a poppyseed cake recipe, since Methuselah actually … Anyway, it’s finally done ! And then I also asked Monsieur to have a layer cake mold for Christmas, and I hadn't used it yet (boo not good !!!). Neither one, nor two, so I jumped at the chance to put together my desires and prepare this poppy seed and orange layer cake. We know the classic combination of poppy and lemon well, but personally I also love orange and I wanted to offer you something that stands out a little (but not too much) from the ordinary !

Birthday cake - Layer cake au pavot

Birthday cake - Layer cake au pavot

For information, I used a round mold 17 cm in diameter.

Birthday cake – Poppy and orange layer cake {sans gluten}

Ingredients (pour 8-10 people)

  • 250 g corn flour
  • 110 g softened butter
  • 100 g poppy seeds
  • 4 eggs
  • The juice and zest of an untreated orange
  • 50 g cane sugar
  • 1 c. to s. de baking powder

For the icing

  • 260 g icing sugar
  • 250 g softened butter
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 30 ml of milk


Preheat the oven to 180°.

Beat the eggs and sugar to obtain a frothy mixture.. Add the softened butter then the flour and the baking powder and mix. Finally add the poppy, zest and orange juice to the dough. Versez la préparation dans le moule beurré-fariné et enfournez 40 minutes. Unmold and let cool on a wire rack.

Prepare the icing, battez le beurre pommade et le sucre afin d’obtenir un mélange onctueux et légèrement mousseux puis ajoutez le lait et les grains de la gousse de vanille grattée puis battez de nouveaux 30 second.

Coupez le gâteau en trois disques égaux puis commencez en étalant de la crème entre chaque couche. Terminez en glaçant l’extérieur du gâteau avec la crème restante à l’aide d’une spatule.

Décorez avec quelques lanières de zeste d’orange.

Birthday cake - Layer cake au pavot

Birthday cake - Layer cake au pavot

Bon gâteau d’anniversaire… 😉


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  • olivia

    what a great recipe !! Je la garde sous le coude 🙂

  • Beau est Bon

    Joyeux anniversaire ! Il est magnifique ce gâteau et quelle bonne idée orange-pavot =) Beautiful day !

  • Il est MAGNIFIQUE !!!! I want some !!

  • argon

    Il a l’air bien yummy !!! on voit souvent citron et pavot, avec de l’orange, ça change un peu ! merci !

  • Gwenaelle

    Il est magnifique ce gateau et je te souhaite un très bel anniversaire, moi je vais bientôt arriver dans la 20taine et je crois que ça va me faire tout drôle aussi ^^ ça me rappelle que j’ai acheté du pavot il y a peu faudrait que je cherche des recettes pour l’utiliser 🙂 Bisous et bonne continuation 🙂

  • aureliescooking

    Très beau gateau ! Et bon anniversaire alors !

  • lydia

    Magnifique gâteau pour un excellent anniversaire !! Kisses 🙂

  • monampersand

    Happy anniversaire !!!! Chouette gâteau mais attention au pavotça reste coincé entre les dents 😉 En tout cas, je garde la recette de côté mais je remplacerai l’orange par du citron ou autre.

    • Emilie

      merciiii… oui surtout sur les photos 😉

  • Olivia

    Bon anniversaire Emilie
    Il est magnifique ton gâteau, avec ça, si tu ne passes pas la trentaine en beauté je ne sais pas ce qu’il te faut ! 😛

  • Très bon anniversaire Emilie, plein de bonnes choses pour cette année de plus. Il faut vraiment qu’on arrive à se caler une date pour se voir (et pourquoi pas pour tester ce joli gâteau !)

    kiss girls

    • Emilie

      Thank you miss ! Oui oui oui il faut qu’on se cale une date pour se voir !

  • Royal Chill

    Il est juste génial ! On te souhaite un super anniversaire, c’est un gâteau parfait pour l’occasion ! Kisses

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much girls, you are adorable 🙂

  • Laurence

    He is SUPERB ! Divine I'm sure ( me too before I made my poppy seed cake, I dreamed of him without daring to tackle it ! ) with orange and corn flour : YUM, quoi !
    I smiled reading your paragraph about thirty : I also stopped at 28 because once Minipouce was born, Of course I became a mother and my life changed, but I thought the fait accompli ( and well accomplished ! ) and stop time like this 😉 But no … NOW, I take it very well and am proud to celebrate my 34 as this year ! As long as it lasts and white hair doesn't happen too quickly ! LOL.
    Happy belated birthday then … because yes, I imagine the cake is devoured and the birthday is over !
    Kisses **

    • Emilie

      Yes it’s true that this cake was good but not vegan (no problem, there are plenty more to come !) !
      It's true that time doesn't stop, but I pass this milestone serenely because I am a woman and a fulfilled mother… yes white hair and wrinkles too 😉
      thank you so much my beautiful (I posted on my birthday !).

  • Oh, this cake is sublime ! The orange-poppy combination really appeals to me and the result with the corn flour looks really good (I imagine its little taste, Yum !)

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Marie for your compliments ^-^ yes it was delicious !

  • This cake is beautiful and looks so good.. In addition, it is gluten-free, a godsend for me who is intolerant.!
    I'll keep this great recipe on hand.. Joyeux anniversaire

    • Emilie

      Cool, I am delighted to be able to please everyone !
      Thank you very much Gustave and Léontine 😉

  • Safrangourmand

    Nice recipe, That sounds awesome… Happy birthday !!! Kisses

  • Polina

    With you, everything suggests that life without gluten is more beautiful 😉 !

    • Emilie

      Oh yeah, or at least she is no less beautiful !!!

  • Clara

    Mmh that looks delicious, It makes me hungry *_*
    It’s also very pretty and my dad loves poppy seeds.!

  • BoopCook

    he looks sooo GOOD

  • patchcath

    magnificent with these regular floors

  • Joyeux anniversaire ! 30 years it’s true that it’s a milestone, but if it is difficult to pass I might as well tell you that it is only one year older than 29 ans 😉
    Your cake makes me salivate, I love the orange poppy combination !
    Thank you for this delicious sharing,

    • Emilie

      It’s true that I didn’t wake up any different that day 😉
      Thank you very much Andrea, glad you like it !

  • Claire Le Mais

    Mhhhh that looks so good, too bad I don't have an oven to test this!

  • I'm a little late to wish you a great birthday!! I would make it my birthday cake too: it is very very appetizing!!

  • How I understand you, I too am celebrating my 30 years this year, in July, and I'm not looking forward to it at all ! Pendant la vingtaine on se dit qu’à 30 ans on se sentira sérieux et tout et tout mais moi c’est pas du tout mon cas 😉 En tout cas t’as une jolie façon de passer ce cap avec un beau gâteau, j’adore les associations agrumes-pavot.

    • Emilie

      Lol !!! Merci beaucoup Valérie pour ton ptit mot 😉 Et bon courage pour Juillet !!!

  • Amélie-Marie

    great recipe ! J’adore les gâteaux au pavot, mais je n’aurai jamais songé à cette combinaison (sans gluten en prime). Merci de cette découverte et de ces photo alléchantes :p !

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much for your compliments, c’est vrai que l’association est géniale et avec la farine de maïs…yummy !

  • Lamirose

    Recette originale et beau cakeje la garde pour tester 🙂

  • oumbil

    Bonjour, I have 5 ans de plus que toi, when someone asks me my age I tend to say 30 🙂 but hey ! Time flies, we don't realize, in short your cake is original, I will test.
    See you soon.

    • Emilie

      Lol ! Yes it’s true that time flies ! But personally I will also stop at 30 😉

  • Fanny

    This cake looks delicious !!!! I will try it in a simple version without occias icing’ I'm sure I'm going to enjoy it !!! Your recipes are always so cool, girls., I love it 🙂



    • Emilie

      Thank you Fanny ! But you will see there are plenty of vegan layer cakes on the program for the next few weeks 😉
      Kisses !

  • Miss Pat'

    This cake is beautiful for your birthday. 30 ans, and yes, an age group that rhymes with construction, consolidation too… maturity… ? Finally, 30 years also rhymes with games, with joy, with creativity and LOVE.

    I kiss you and wish you very, very good things for the future.. See you soon on your blog which I love 😉

    Heu… However, I'm a bit ashamed, I'm late on a lot of posts. !!!

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Pat, your little word touches me a lot ^-^

  • Hibiscus

    I tried your recipe today for 30 years of a friend. I regularly follow your recipes and enjoy them, First of all, to congratulate you for your creativity and inventiveness ! I love your recipes and the way you present them. !
    Also, if I allow myself to react today it is by surprise.
    I followed your recipe to the letter and the gram and I am surprised to see my cake which did not rise by a millimeter. What baking powder do you use ? Personally, I use Dr's baking powder. Oetker and I've never had a problem with it until now. A second surprise : the icing. THE 30 milk cl are they correct ? I put it on at first but, seeing that they did not adhere to the butter-icing sugar-vanilla mass I removed almost all. And the final icing really doesn't look good (bon, This is the first time I've made one with butter so maybe I lack experience). Please give me your additional advice on this recipe as I would love to make it again if possible. !
    Good luck and thank you for your blog ! 🙂

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Myriam for this message 😉
      I don't really know what to say to all this because the proportions are just right for this recipe.. Maybe the butter and sugar mixture was too cold, I do not see anything else, Sorry !