Celerisotto with Parmesan and rosemary {sans gluten}


J’espère que vous avez tous passé de bonnes fêtes de Noël auprès de ceux que vous aimez et que vous n’avez pas trop abusé des bonnes choses, car me revoilà pour vous donner quelques idées pour le réveillon du Nouvel An. On commence avec une petite idée de plat, un célerisotto, comprenez un risotto à base de céleri, oui, oui vous avez bien compris le riz est remplacé par des petits dés de céleri rave. Avec Monsieur on avait découvert ça lors d’un week-end en famille en début d’année et je ne lui en avais jamais fait depuis, so it was the right occasion for the holidays. It is a light dish that can be used as a side dish or served as is., I think this solution is not bad after the huge aperitif petits fours/toasts on New Year’s Eve that you are going to have !!! In short, I hope you like this idea as much as we do and if you are upset with celery root this recipe should reconcile you !

Célerisotto recette


Celerisotto with Parmesan and rosemary {sans gluten}
Pour 4 people
To print
  1. 1 celeriac
  2. 50 cl of vegetable broth
  3. 1 small onion
  4. 7 cl de vin blanc sec
  5. 1 filet d'huile d'olive
  6. 1 tablespoon of heavy cream
  7. 50 g grated parmesan
  8. Salt and pepper
  9. 1 sprig of fresh rosemary
  1. Cut the celery into brunoise (small ones).
  2. Heat the broth in a saucepan with the rosemary.
  3. In a skillet, heat the olive oil and fry the finely chopped onion for 10 min on low heat.
  4. Then add the celery cubes and increase the heat.
  5. Pour in the white wine and let boil until completely evaporated then reduce the heat (neither too strong nor too weak).
  6. Add the broth to the celery a ladle at a time as for a risotto. The celery should be both soft and a little firm. (you may not need all the broth or a little more).
  7. When the celery is cooked add the cream off the heat, parmesan and adjust the seasoning.
  8. let stand 1 minutes and serve immediately with a few sprigs of fresh rosemary.
aime & mange https://aime-mange.com/

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  • Yummmy

    Ohhh source beautiful idea, it changes !! Bravo ! really want to test it !!! 🙂

  • N. V.

    Delicious!.. with pan-fried scallops, a delight!!

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much for this feedback 😉