Squash and spice cake {sans gluten}

Gâteau à la courge

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way…. !!! Ne me remerciez pas pour ce super chant de Noël que vous avez désormais en tête, tout ça pour se mettre dans l’ambiance car vu les températures qu’il fait en ce moment, je crois bien que la neige ne sera pas de la partie cette année !!! Bon mais Noël ça n’est pas que le froid et la neige, c’est aussi le chocolat chaud avec une bonne part de gâteau, non ?! Alors pour changer de la buche, on rompt avec la tradition et on prépare un magnifique pumpkin cake, soit un gâteau à la courge en français (mais ça vous l’aviez devinez, you are too strong !). It was personally the first time I tried squash for dessert and I really love it.. It's soft, spicy just right, fresh and crunchy thanks to the icing and nougatine… everything you need for a good Christmas dessert and what's more, it's gluten-free (thanks WHO, thank you Tata Emilie !!!). And then the discovery of the day (oui, yes I am very proud of myself but I have to from time to time, non ?!), it’s pumpkin seed nougatine, this thing is just to die for !

So I leave you with this cake and wish you all a very happy holiday and a wonderful Christmas..

Gâteau à la courge maison

Recette de Gâteau à la courge

Squash and spice cake {sans gluten}
Pour 1 square mold 28 cm
To print
  1. 250 g of butternut squash puree
  2. 200 g cane sugar
  3. 180 g corn flour
  4. 100 brown rice flour
  5. 5 eggs
  6. 80 ml vegetable oil
  7. 2 c. teaspoon cinnamon
  8. 1 c. teaspoon powdered ginger
  9. 2 c. teaspoon of bicarbonate
  10. 1 c. teaspoon of baking powder or gluten-free yeast
  11. 1/2 c. teaspoon of salt
  13. 250 g of mascarpone
  14. 50 g of gluten-free icing sugar
  15. 3 c. tbsp date syrup
  17. 50 g of pumpkin seeds
  18. 50 g caster sugar
  1. Preheat the oven to 180°.
  2. Beat the eggs and sugar together until the mixture turns white.. Then add the oil, spices and mix.
  3. Add the flour, le bicarbonate, baking powder and salt, mix thoroughly. To finish, add the butternut puree to the mixture and stir.
  4. Pour the mixture into a square or rectangular mold, buttered and floured or covered with parchment paper..
  5. Bake 35 minutes.
  6. Meanwhile prepare the icing. To do this, mix the mascarpone, icing sugar and vanilla extract then set aside in a cool place.
  7. Prepare a caramel with the caster sugar then add the pumpkin seeds, stir everything and spread on a plate. Let cool and crush into pieces.
  8. Once the cake has cooled, add the icing on top using a spatula. Drizzle everything with date syrup and add the caramelized pumpkin seeds.
aime & mange https://aime-mange.com/
  Gâteau à la courge

Gâteau à la courge et aux épices {sans gluten}

Good squash cake !


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  • LadyMilonguera

    I would be very curious to taste it !

  • lydia

    Happy Holidays !! I steal a piece of cake ! Kisses

  • Olivia

    Superb recipe that I missed !! Phew Cuisicook allowed me to discover it ^^
    I’m going to pin it on Pinterest 😉
    I love the idea of ​​pumpkin seed nougatine, I really want to try it soon !
    Bravo for the recipe and these magnificent photos
    Good evening !

  • Superb! It makes me want to get started right away!

  • Priscilla

    Hello. I would like to know what c.c means. in the quantity relations of ingredients and what is complete rice flour. Is it just rice flour or does it have any other ingredients in it?. Thanks

    • Emilie

      Ola Prisilla ! It means coffee spoon. Rice farinha is also perfect for the recipe ! Afflicted for my Spanish 😉

  • Sarah

    Beautiful little squares! I already made it with apples and pumpkin but I had never worked with butternut squash other than in soup! You give me ideas 🙂 And your photos are really sublime, good work!