Pizza d’aubergine, tomatoes and mozzarella

Pizza d'aubergine

L’aubergine est vraiment un légume que j’adore, mais je sais que c’est aussi un légume qu’on a tous un peu du mal à préparer, mis à part dans la traditionnelle ratatouille. SO, pour vous donner des idées, j’ai imaginé cette pizza d’aubergine, une pizza sans pâte où l’aubergine la remplace. Ok, cette recette de pizza d’aubergine c’est tout simplement des tranches d’aubergines grillées recouvertes de fromage, de tomates et d’herbesmais c’est aussi une recette pour vous régaler en toute simplicité (because I know you don't want to spend ages in the kitchen !!!). I am sure you will like this recipe, in any case to us it pleased us a lot, SO, take the opportunity to light the oven before the heat wave returns (oui, because I think it's coming soon) !
Bon 14 July the little wolves !

recette de pizza d'aubergine

Pizza d'aubergine recette

Pizza d'aubergine, tomatoes and mozzarella
Pour 12 petites pizzas
To print
  1. 2 large eggplants
  2. 6 tablespoons of tomato coulis
  3. Fifteen cherry tomatoes
  4. 1/2 pain de mozzarella
  5. 1 fresh goat
  6. 1/2 bunch of basil
  7. You zaatar
  8. 1 filet d'huile d'olive
  9. You sell
  1. Preheat the oven to 200°.
  2. Cut the aubergines into slices a good centimeter thick and place them on a baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil, salt and bake 20 minutes.
  3. Take the eggplants out of the oven, spread over the tomato coulis then add the sliced ​​mozzarella, the goat cheese in pieces and the cherry tomatoes cut in half.
  4. finish by sprinkling with zaatar.
  5. Bake 10-12 minutes at 210°.
  6. Before serving, sprinkle a few basil leaves on top.
aime & mange
Pizza d'aubergine


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  • vero

    Cool as an idea. Besides, the photos are very attractive..

  • I often make eggplant pizza… these look very good!

  • I also love eggplants. It's a great idea. These mini pizzas look delicious.. I also put them in fajitas. I replace the meat with eggplant. My little vegetarian dish for tonight !

  • Sab

    Goat-eggplant ? To be tested 🙂 but what is zaatar ?

    • Emilie

      Zaatar is a mixture of Lebanese herbs composed of sumac thyme and sesame seeds 😉

    • Baitch Mohamed

      zaatar is wild thyme, bran is stronger than domestic thyme.

  • The kind of recipe that speaks to me, simple, fast and effective, we couldn't dream of better ! And the pictures are very beautiful 🙂

    • Emilie

      Thank you Sandrine ! Yes, this is the kind of dish that I like too 😉

  • Maude

    Thanks for the idea! Very simple but very effective. I plan it for tonight! Sometimes I oil the eggplants with a brush (story of not everything being pumped from the same place) before putting them on the grill with some herbs/salt/pepper.

    • Emilie

      Oh yes nice trick to oil them with a brush, merci 😉

  • velvet red

    This eggplant pizza is original and very interesting! Thank you Emily for this great idea!

  • A good idea these small gluten-free pizzas!! Above all, it allows you to cook eggplant quickly (I always make aubergines with parmiggiana but I admit that it is long)!! Brief, I faiiiim!!!

    • Emilie

      Oh the aubergines with parmesanne what happiness (you made me hungry) ;)))

  • carabistouilles

    heatwave or not, This evening, I turn on the oven !!! 😉 Thank you for this recipe, we're going to have fun I'm sure ! Kisses !

  • Le Doare Martine

    We ate the eggplant pizza, mozzarella and tomatoes and we had a great time
    with this heat!!It is delicious, to redo!
    Good evening
    Martine(stepmom's girlfriend)

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Martin, I'm glad you like this recipe 😉

  • // Grenoble

    Top !!!!! Thank you Emilie for another great recipe ! Maybe my French isn't great, but depending on the kitchen, we speak the same language. 😉

    Eggplants were always very present in my childhood, so I'm sure I'm going to love this recipe which has a little touch of France too. <3

    • Emilie

      Ah I'm delighted Dana 😉 Don't worry your French is perfect !!!

  • Coco

    Tasty little Mediterranean pizzas.

  • Cecilecooks

    It is delicious. I tested and I approve to 1000%. My friend loved it too.
    I just had to cook the eggplants ten more minutes. We had some buffalo mozzarella left, and it was just magic in the mouth. Thanks for the recipe.

    • Emilie

      Oh cool Cecile, buffalo hannn ! Yes it can depend on the oven for cooking !

  • Muriel

    Great photos for a great recipe that makes you want… and i will try !

  • Delphine

    I had kept this recipe in the back of my mind., while waiting for the heat wave to subside to finally try it. It's done ! This recipe is really very simple and very good. Thanks for sharing it, we all need simple ideas from time to time that change our habits.

    P.S : And of course the photos are superb 🙂

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Delphine it's great to have little words like yours, It boosts morale immediately 😉

  • Foodbiotic

    Bon, now i'm hungry and i want to make half of the recipes for lunch. Must say that with such pretty pictures … it whets the appetite 🙂

  • Axel

    Super !!!I love eggplant but don't like to cook…. Here is an easy recipe for me, fast and excellent…Thank youiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!I'm going to see if there are others like this………

  • Vero

    Très facile magnifiquement bon