Baked rhubarb with raspberry

rhubarbe confite

Chaque année, j’attends avec impatience que la rhubarbe du jardin de mes parents montre le bout de son nez. Et comme nous sommes en montagne, et bien la rhubarbe tarde un peu à venir. Mais dès les premiers bourgeon, je dévalise pour faire de bonnes recettes avec ! J’adore le mélange rhubarbe framboise qui change du classique mais néanmoins délicieux mélange rhubarbe fraise.

Voici une recette à tomber et tellement simple que je suis sûr que vous l’adopterez sure le champs. A déguster le plus simplement du monde avec un bon yaourt.

rhubarbe confite

rhubarbe confite

rhubarbe confite

Baked rhubarb with raspberry


  • 500 g rhubarb
  • 3 c. to s. raspberry jam (homemade for me)
  • 3 c. to s. raspberry liqueur
  • 1 c. to s. sugar
  • 1 c. to s. butter (faculty)
  • 1 pinch of salt


Preheat the oven to 200°.

Wash the rhubarb and roughly peel it because the first stems are not so fibrous. Cut it into chunks of 8-10 cm.

In a bowl mix together, jam, liquor, sugar and salt then add the rhubarb and mix well to coat the rhubarb.

Place the mixture in a baking dish then add knobs of butter.

Bake 20-25 min.

rhubarbe confite

rhubarbe confite

Eat warm, it's even better !


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  • Amelie

    What can I say other than I love it !!!! I would cross the screen with my little spoon to taste it ! ^^
    Good day, Kisses

    • Emilie

      Thank you Amelie 😉
      We don't call ourselves confession d'une gourmande for nothing !!!
      Kisses kisses and have a nice day miss !

  • Natalie

    Hi Emile.
    I lived for years in Alsace and I came across roasted rhubarb very recently ! I adore, and you're right prepared so simply with a conf of red fruits made in home nothing better, lukewarm for breakfast!
    Good day

    • Emilie

      Thank you Nathalie !
      You're right roasted rhubarb is great and it's simple and then you can replace the butter with the sacrosanct almond puree !!!
      Good day for you too.

  • Lolotte

    I didn't know roasted rhubarb at all. I'm finding out. it looks terrible.

  • ZZ Recipes

    I love it

  • Leticia

    oh no but I like I like I like it's a killer I see myself well with that and a bowl of fromage blanc ! Kisses !

    • Emilie

      Hi hi hi, sorry i can't send it to you it would do damage !!!
      Thank you for your compliments 😉

  • Laurence

    Simply delicious ! Very tempting this pretty little recipe.

  • BoopCook

    too too good, I love it ♥

    • Emilie

      Thank you for your compliments miss and congratulations for your patent !

  • HoMi

    It all looks delicious

  • Cheese or dessert ? Dessert !!!

    Effectively, very nice combination and this melting rhubarb, huuuummmm !

    • Emilie

      Thank you Cat, it's true that it's super melting 😉

  • Jenny

    Very simple recipe, I love it like I love rhubarb in all forms 🙂

  • nicolaslecuisinier

    I love rhubarb!! But in Spain where I live, it is not found…I just have to drool over the pictures! It looks super good!!

  • racheal

    Here is an idea that I steal from you with relish ! I'm sure it will delight young and old !