Chestnut Flour Scones, with buttermilk and ricotta {sans gluten}

Scones à la farine de châtaigne

L’idée de faire des scones me trottais depuis un moment dans la tête mais j’avais envie de quelque chose qui sorte un peu de la recette traditionnelle.  Il me restait de la farine de châtaigne que belle-maman m’avait ramené de Corse, c’est donc vers une inspiration plutôt du Sud que je me suis tournée, drôle d’idée vous allez me dire pour des scones !!! Le résultat est à la hauteur de mes attentes, une base biscuitée croquante à l’extérieur et fondante à l’intérieur avec un bon gôut de châtaigne et pas trop sucrée. And what's more, I made them with a small cookie cutter, we only take one bite !

Serve at breakfast time with ricotta, jam or honey.

Scones à la farine de châtaigne

Chestnut Flour Scones, with buttermilk and ricotta {sans gluten}

Ingredients (pour 30 minis)

  • 280 g chestnut flour
  • 130 g the ricotta
  • 12 cl of buttermilk
  • 1 egg
  • 70 g of butter
  • 3 c. to s. cane sugar
  • 2 c. to s. lemon juice
  • 2 c. at c. gluten-free yeast
  • 2 c. at c. bicarbonate of soude
  • Vanilla powder or a sachet of vanilla sugar
  • A little milk and sugar for the icing


Preheat the oven to 180°.

Mix together the egg, buttermilk, lemon juice and vanilla with a fork then add the ricotta and mix.

In another container, mix together the dry ingredients, either flour, sugar, yeast and baking soda. Then add the cold butter in pieces and mix everything, sanding with your fingertips..

Once the butter is well incorporated, mix the two preparations together without overworking the mixture.

Place the dough on a floured work surface and roll it out onto 2 cm.

Form rounds using a cookie cutter and place them on a baking tray.. let stand 10 min before putting in the oven.

Bake 15 minutes.

Scones à la farine de châtaigne

Treat yourself !


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  • mandating

    These scones look good on me, For months I've also been telling myself that I'm going to have to do some instead of looking at them on the blogs ^^ !! I really like buttermilk in cooking, on the other hand I don't yet know chestnut flour….. well one more recipe to try 🙂 (la to do list s’allonge…..)
    The photos are very attractive !!
    Good afternoon

    • Emilie

      Yes a bit like me, I've been wanting to do this for a long time !!! You absolutely have to try chestnut flour, it’s to die for !
      Thank you very much Mamandine 😉
      Good evening !

  • Nadi[Art]Design

    HUm! They really like these Scones <3

    • Emilie

      Thank you Nadia 😀 It’s true that it’s early at your place, it's tempting !!!

  • cookparadise

    For a snack and any nibbles 😉
    I wish you a nice evening

    • Emilie

      Thank you Valérie 😉 It’s true that it’s terrible for that !!!!
      Good day !

  • Licorice

    These little scones must be very nice. !!

    • Emilie

      Yes yes yes I confirm !
      Thank you Réglisse 🙂

  • BoopCook

    hmmm i love it ! They look really super super good ! A delicious recipe !


  • meliescooking

    I want it hard yum !

  • no but it's crazy, all your recipes speak to me!! I love it once again and the photos are still so beautiful . kisses

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you very much Kak, I'm glad this speaks to you, It makes me very very very very very happy !!!

  • Hmm ! They look excellent ! In any case, the photos are really appetizing !

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Caro for your compliments !

  • I really like your version of scones with totally delicious chestnut flour, I'll steal the one that's lying pretty on your table 😉

    • Emilie

      Lol ! I saw you !!! Thank you very much 😉

  • poupougnette

    pretty delicious scones perfect for starting the day off right!! ^^
    They are magnificent!!
    Good evening girls.
    Kisses, Kisses

    • Emilie

      Oh yes, nothing better than a good breakfast’ home when we have time !!!
      Thank you very much Poupougnette for your kind words 😉
      Good day !

  • Lolotte

    These scones look delicious to me.! Plus chestnut flour I love!

    • Emilie

      Well there are more left so they must have been pretty good !!!
      Thank you Lotte 😀

  • la fourmi Before

    Superbly delicious! Magnificent photos and delicious scones! Thank you for this very nice sharing

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much La Fourmi Elé for your compliments 😀

  • Lili

    Then, the English would be amazed ! What a great idea ! Bon, you know I don't eat cheese, but that doesn't mean yes, give the scones a Corsican side, I think it's great !!! (especially since my brother-in-law is Corsican ! 😉 Kisses my dear !

    • Emilie

      Glad you like it Lili 😉 Long live Corsica then !

  • Granny Cakes

    I am a huge fan of scones 🙂
    Original recipe, myoma!

    • Emilie

      Me too !!!
      Thank you very much Yun 😀

  • Marie

    I love scones but so far my attempts have never matched those tasted in England. Your recipe really makes me want to try the chestnut version.

    • Emilie

      Je ne suis jamais allé en Angleterre donc je ne sais s’ils peuvent tenir la comparaison face aux tiens maisen tout cas il faut absolument que tu testes la farine de châtaigne, Yum !!!
      Thank you Mary 😉

  • Hémy

    Hmmm, They look delicious ! J’ai jamais tester la farine de châtaigne, j’en achèterais pour tester 🙂

    • Emilie

      Merci Hémy 😀 Oh oui c’est topissime la farine de châtaigne !!!