Mango raspberry smoothie

Smoothie framboise mangue

J’adore les smoothies mais ça m’arrive assez souvent de ne pas avoir assez de fruits à la maison. Qu’à cela ne tienne, voici un smoothie framboise mangue bicolore, qui se prête à merveille pour les fonds de frigo de fruits frais ! L’association de la framboise et de la mangue est parfaite et vous avez le choix, soit vous êtes plutôt comme moi et vous le buvez tel quel, couche après couche, soit vous êtes plutôt comme Monsieur et vous mélangez le toutà vous de voir ! En tous cas même s’il fait moins chaud ces derniers jours (ouf on respire enfin !), I find the perfect smoothie for breakfast, either like that accompanied by a voucher granola homemade, either in the form of smoothie bowl.

And you, smoothie or not ?!

Smoothie framboise mangue

Mango raspberry smoothie
Pour 1 glass
To print
  1. 50 g raspberries
  2. 1/2 mango
  3. 15 cl of coconut milk
  4. The zest of half a lime
  5. 8 cl of vegetable rice milk
  6. You sirop d'agave (optional)
  1. Put the raspberries and rice milk in the blender, mix and add a little agave syrup if necessary. Filter the mixture through a strainer to remove the grains.. Pour the mixture into the bottom of a glass.
  2. Rinse the blender then add the peeled and cut into pieces mango, coconut milk and lime zest. Mix everything and add the raspberry smoothie on top.
  3. Taste immediately.
aime & mange
 Bon smoothie !


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  • Maude

    Here it’s been a smoothie every morning for breakfast for a few months, but with only fruits for better digestion. I was surprised, but it keeps me in my stomach until midday and I have seen a radical beneficial effect on transit! The breakfast of toast or cereal has become an exception.

    • Emilie

      Ah yes I would also like every morning but sometimes I lack the courage a little !

  • Madame Maurice

    Thank you for that great recipe ! 🙂

    Madame Maurice

  • CookieM

    Graph this smoothie to 2 levels ! And with its little raspberry skewer, it looks nice. Congratulations for this great idea 😉

  • Thank you very much for this recipe which looks really delicious. !! I love these two fruits so I think I'm going to enjoy them !

  • Hello !

    Great idea for a two-layer smoothie with both flavors. It's super pretty, colorful and it looks really good, I will test quickly !
    Do you think we can use frozen fruit? ? because it’s the “solution” I found to have several kinds of fruit without them perishing too quickly…


    • Emilie

      Yes, frozen fruit goes very well, it’s perfect and the vitamins are still there 😉

  • Lucile

    Nice glass ! I have a weakness for this association, I find that the acidity of the raspberry goes very well with the sweetness of the mango

  • Foodbiotic

    HHMMMM I dream of it !