Vegan spaghetti meatballs
En ce moment de suis dans ma phase expérimentation, alors des fois ça marche comme avec le fromage vegan et des fois ça foire complétement (mais ça je ne vous le montre pas !!!). Depuis le temps que j’ai envie de faire mon seitan maison, j’ai enfin sauté le pas avec une recette de spaghetti boulette vegan, boulettes donc à base de seitan. A Noël dernier nous avions déjà mangé du seitan maison (ça n’est donc pas tout à fait la première fois) mais j’avais fait mon rôti avec du gluten (necessarily) and chickpea flour and we found it very dense and a little sickening with Monsieur. After reflexion, I said to myself that a vegetable would be welcome to lighten everything up and that’s how it was with the last eggplants, these vegan meatballs were born ! Okay, enough chatting, homemade seitan is obviously a bit long to make but in the end you will be very proud of yourself (and it counts) and it will bluff all the omnivores around you !
And then the spaghetti meatballs are still super regressive as a dish, It’s perfect for this very rainy start to autumn. !

- 500 g of spaghetti
- 3 cans of crushed tomatoes
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 onion
- Oregano
- 1 pinch of sugar
- 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar
- You sell
- 2 large eggplants
- 400 g the gluten
- 170 grams of water
- 1 tablespoon of garlic powder
- 1 tablespoon of oregano
- 1 heaping tablespoon of miso
- 2 tablespoons of shoyu
- Pepper
- Preheat the oven to 200°.
- Cut the eggplants in half lengthwise, cut the flesh crosswise and add a drizzle of olive oil. Bake 25-30 minutes.
- Mix the eggplants with the miso, le shoyu, garlic powder, oregano and pepper to obtain a puree, let cool.
- In a food processor or by hand mix together the gluten, eggplant puree and water to obtain a nice dough.
- Then form balls the size of a golf ball until the dough is used up..
- Brown the meatballs in a pan with a drizzle of olive oil and set aside.
- Finely chop the onion and crush the garlic and brown them in a pan with olive oil over low heat and covered 5 minutes. Then add the crushed tomato, the vinegar, sugar, salt and oregano then 40 key of water.
- Stir and add the meatballs to the sauce and cook at a low boil 45 minutes.
- Serve with spaghetti and vegetable parmesan

10.11.16This is a plate that should be a hit at my house..
12.11.16They look really delicious ! I keep on hand because I eat less and less meat !
14.12.16So that’s good 😉
Celine - Like a desire to ...
15.11.16A little dish that I like 🙂
It really looks like meatballs, to test on carnivores who I am sure would see nothing but fire !!
Beautiful day
14.12.16Ahah yes it’s stunning and taste-wise… Yum !!!
4.12.22Bonjour, these meatballs look delicious. When you say gluten, it’s simply wheat flour. ? and can we make it with rice and chickpea flour ?
8.12.22Hello Nath,
wheat gluten is not flour it is wheat protein which you can find under the name gluten in organic stores. It is difficult to replace with anything else because it provides the characteristic “chewy” texture. !
I hope I have enlightened you 😉