Zucchini filo tart {vegan}
Une tarte filo aux courgettes, voilà une recette qui peut-être vous intrigue (or not) et vous donne envie de prolonger encore un peu l’été, oui parce que soyons honnêtes, l’été ça passe quand même bien trop vite ! Oui parce que bon l’été c’est bien sympa mais on a quand même rarement le courage de manger autre chose que des trucs crus avec la chaleur, allumer son four devient une épreuve de koh lanta donc en septembre on a bien le droit de profiter un peu ! Par ici on aime vachement beaucoup la pâte filo, so when I go to the Greek grocery store hop hop hop I take a package straight away, either to do, I give it to you a thousand, this pie, either bureks or else mutabaq. In short, this pie is super simple and rather quick to make., as you know I don't like to take my head in the kitchen, cooking simple and good suits me perfectly for every day ! A crispy base, a creamy mint cream and the crunch of zucchini here are the top three of this filo pie that will not leave you indifferent (well, I hope) !
To be served with a good watermelon or melon salad and there it is guaranteed happiness, yes if i insist !

- 12 filo pastry sheets
- 4 courgettes (here yellow and green)
- 200 g silken tofu
- 100 g plain soy yogurt
- 1/2 mint bunch
- The juice of half a lemon
- Salt and pepper
- Olive oil
- Preheat the oven to 190°.
- For the base of the pie oil 6 filo sheets then assemble them 2 par 2. Arrange them to cover the bottom of the pie dish and fold over the edges if they protrude too much from the mold.
- Mix together the silken tofu, yogurt, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper and chopped mint. Spread this cream on the bottom of the pie.
- Oil your other leaves then roll them into a sausage and arrange them inside the pie in a concentric way, leaving spaces between each.
- Cut the zucchini lengthwise into thin strips then arrange these strips between the sheets of filo to the center.
- Add a drizzle of olive oil on top and bake 30-35 minutes.

23.9.18It makes your mouth water. I will try this recipe very soon.
Photos are always great.
The only problem I encounter , hard to read, because of the color of the ink you use for your introductory text.
Thank you for all the recipes
24.9.18Thank you very much 😉
10.11.18Wow! Delicious and beautiful! Good Sunday
20.11.18Thank you very much Sonia 😉