Cardoon tartlet with tahini sauce {vegan}


Noël n’est plus que dans deux jours maintenant, alors il est temps pour moi de vous proposer une avant dernière recette de fête. Et quoi de mieux qu’un légume oublié mais alors très très oublié et même inconnu pour certains d’entre-vous, pour épater tout le monde ?! Un légume que nos grands-mères cuisinaient pour les fêtes en gratin (enfin par chez-nous du moins)… j’ai nommé le cardon. J’ai eu le plaisir, il y a quelques semaines de cela, de découvrir la production de ce légume chez la Maison Malartre, une entreprise familiale lyonnaise. Au cours de cette journée, j’ai observé, learned, laugh, chatted… anyway ! But I also tasted cardoon in different ways (yes we were fed anyway !), both in delicious gratin at Julie and Caroline at Halles Paul Bocuse in Lyon, but also at the Villa Florentine with chef Davy Tissot (thank you Chef, the course and the tasting were perfect !).

So I wanted to make you enjoy my lights and concoct you a little party starter, a cardoon tartlet. And since I didn't want to stay in the traditional cardoon bechamel sauce, I decided to give it a Mediterranean air by combining it with a tahini sauce and grilled pine nuts… What I can tell you is that the little artichoke taste of the cardoons goes wonderfully with the sauce.… There's only one thing left for you to do now… go buy a jar of cardoons quickly well done !!!

Cardoon tartlet with tahini sauce {vegan}
Pour 8 tartlets
To print
  1. 1 jar of cardoons
  2. 40 g pine nuts
  3. 1 good pinch of Espelette pepper
  4. Salt and pepper
  6. 100 g whole wheat flour
  7. 25 ml of water
  8. 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
  9. 1 g de sel
  11. 3 tablespoons of tahini (sesame paste)
  12. 2 tablespoons of water
  13. 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  14. 1 clove garlic
  15. 1 teaspoon coarse salt
  1. To make the dough, Mix the dry ingredients together then add the oil. Sand the dough with your fingertips then add the water gradually. Work the dough to form a homogeneous mixture. Form a ball and let rest 30 min cool.
  2. Prepare the tahini sauce by putting the garlic in a blender, coarse salt and lemon juice. Mix well then add the water and the sesame paste and mix again.
  3. Toast the pine nuts in a dry pan, book.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180°.
  5. Take out the dough, lower it to 3-4 mm thick then cut 8 circles of 10 cm in diameter. Arrange them on a baking sheet and prick them with a fork..
  6. Bake 10-15 minutes.
  7. Meanwhile drain the cardoons, then heat a drizzle of olive oil in a pan. Put the cardoons in it, bring back 5 minutes then season with salt, pepper and Espelette pepper.
  8. Arrange the cardoons on the pastry bases then add the sauce and the pine nuts.
  9. Enjoy hot.
aime & mange

I had the pleasure of meeting some great girls during this day : Joy (C. Du Beau), Madeleine (The kitchen of 3 sisters), Jenna (Jenna's Bistro), Lou (The Cousins ​​Canteen), Clea (Clea Kitchen), Valerie (Raspberry & Bergamot), Stephanie (Cook me a sheep), Denise (GourmanDenise) and Mireille (Menu-Propos).

Thanks to the Malartre House and to Emulsion agency for this day, Lionel and Mylene, everything was really perfect !


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  • I really like your cardoon tartlet, with more tannin it can only be good ! I was delighted to meet you in Lyon. See you soon !

  • the cicada

    The cardoon where the card, it is the vegetable of the Christmas meal in Provence. There were always some on our table at that time., when i was a little girl !!! And I love that !!!!

  • muse_88_

    Good evening,
    I tried the recipe. Having no more pine nuts, I put sunflower seeds.
    Personally, I did not find these tarts easy to eat, we put it everywhere….

    • Emilie

      Indeed they are not easy to eat, it is eaten like salty toast 😉