Tian of vegetables with Crottin de Chavignol

Tian de légumes

Le tian est un classique facile et qui fait de l’effet, heureusement quand même car ça prend un peu de temps pour ranger tous les légumes ! Jadore le fromage (certes, je radote) mais là j’avais sous la main deux beaux crottins de Chavignol et je me suis dit que l’association serait pas mal. Monsieur et moi avons dévoré le plat, alors je crois que c’était plus que pas mal !!!

Tian de légumes

Voici donc une version sans aubergines avec de la tomate, de la courgette et du crottin bien sûr.

A vous de tester !

Tian of vegetables with Crottin de Chavignol

Ingredients (pour 2-3)

  • 3 courgettes
  • 6 tomatoes
  • 1 To 2 crottins de Chavignol (for foodies)
  • 1 filet d’huile d’olive
  • Une branche de romarin
  • Salt and pepper


Preheat the oven to 180°.

Wash and cut your vegetables into thin slices, you can cut your tomatoes in half rings so that they are the same size as your zucchini.

Tian de légumes

Cut dung slices.

Tian de légumes

Alternate, in a baking dish, a slice of zucchini, a tomato to fill the dish.

Add the manure slices between the layers of vegetables, season and drizzle with olive oil.

Add the sprig of rosemary on top and cover with aluminum foil.

Tian de légumes

Bake 45 minutes then taste


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  • cookparadise

    It is very appetizing, colorful and fragrant, me as soon as there is goat cheese, I'm in 🙂
    Beautiful day

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Valerie for your compliments 🙂
      Have a nice day to you too !

  • Marie

    Hmmm j'adore!
    But given the price of cheese here, it's sacrilege to put it in a dish! 😀

    • Emilie

      It's true that cheese is expensive in Canada so you can simply make the tian and enjoy the dung with good bread !
      Hugs Mary.

  • BoopCook

    hmmm perfect ! ;P

  • everydaykitchen

    A very nice dish with lots of flavors. good job girls.

  • Lolotte

    More than the ratatouille it is the tian that I like, adding chavignol dung to it is a great idea!

  • How tidy these vegetables are ! Very nice knife by the way ^^

    • Emilie

      Thank you strawberry and basil 😉
      Yes I love my knives they are nickels !

  • Coralie

    I'm just publishing tomorrow a pie on the same model as your tian, so you think i love your recipe (as long as there is goat anyway I crack !). Vice !

    • Emilie

      Oh I can't wait to see this !!!
      Thank you Coralie 😀

  • To the chef

    Yum I love this kind of dish !!

    Can you vote for my cake « Entremet Chocolat & Organic Mint” at the following address :

    http://www.greenweez.com/anniversaire_greenweez.html ?

    Thank you so much !!!

  • Gourmet bubbles

    colors to fall…we love your photos and your recipe of course!!!
    Have a good day

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much for your compliments which make me very happy 😀
      Good day !

  • Lili

    Beautiful this tian, bravo !! Kisses xx

  • meliescooking

    I will try this dish tomorrow night! :p

  • Michou

    Thank you for this great recipe idea. !
    I made it for lunch (adding eggplant) et ce fut un succès 🙂
    à refaire sans hésiter !!
    gros bisous

    • Emilie

      Oh génial Michou, ravie que ça ai plu !
      Beautiful day !

  • Isabella

    En degré celsius ou fareiheit?