Stuffed tomatoes {vegan – sans gluten}

Stuffed tomatoes

Les tomates farcies, c’est un peu le plat vintage par excellence, souvenir de grand-mère ou, en moins glorieux, de cantine servies sous forme de bouillie avec du riz bien trop cuit ! Ah ça vous rappelle des souvenirsj’ai donc voulu lui redonner ces lettres de noblesses un peu de dignité, en vous en proposant ma version vegan des tomates farcies. Une recette juste parfaite et bien sous tous rapports, avec que des bonnes choses à l’intérieur, comme disait ma grand mère quand il n’y a que des bonnes choses ça ne peut pas être mauvais !

Rien ne vaut de bons ingrédients

, ça c’est la base, good field tomatoes, herbs from the garden… and there it becomes the perfect dish !

Anyway, I love stuffed tomatoes. (and sir too), so why not take advantage of the beautiful seasonal tomatoes and the drop in temperatures, to forget about tomato salads (even if it is terribly good and fresh) and give them a little spin in the oven ?! And if you don't like stuffed tomatoes, you can always fall back on Stuffed peppers !

vegan farcies tomatoes
Stuffed tomatoes {vegan - sans gluten}
Stuffed tomatoes recipe

Stuffed tomatoes {vegan – sans gluten}


  • 6-8 large tomatoes
  • 200 grams of rice 1/2 completely
  • 150 g of medium-sized PST
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 petite courgette
  • 1 good pinch of Espelette pepper
  • rosemary, savory, you thyme, oregano…
  • 30 cl of vegetable broth
  • 1 filet d’huile d’olive
  • Salt and pepper
  • Cut the onion and zucchini into small cubes then brown them in a pan with a drizzle of olive oil over low heat for 10 minutes.
  • Add minced garlic, rice, chopped herbs, the pst then cover with broth.
  • Cook over high heat until small lumps form on the surface., turn off the heat and season with chilli, salt and pepper.
  • Preheat the oven to 200°.
  • Cut the tops off the tomatoes and hollow them out.. Put the contents of the tomatoes in the bottom of the dish with 3 tablespoons of water
  • Stuff them with the rice, put the caps back on and arrange them in the dish then drizzle with olive oil.
  • Bake 35-40 minutes.
Stuffed tomatoes easy recipe

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  • These stuffed tomatoes are very appetizing.

  • Easter in Provence

    This looks very good, but what are psts ? Merci

    • Emilie

      PST are Textured Soy Proteins found in organic stores 🙂

  • Jeanne Celse

    Hello very good you be I will do but (pst) what is it?

  • Tongui

    “psts”? Wtf

  • Patricia


    This recipe tempts me. More…

    A silly question maybe but what is the PST? ???

    Thanks for your sharing

    • Emilie

      PST are Textured Soy Proteins easy to find in any organic store 🙂

  • Camille

    Bonjour. What are PSTs ? Merci.

    • Emilie

      PST are Textured Soy Proteins found in organic stores 🙂

  • I have at home 10 kg of tomatoes (rather big !) waiting to be turned into grout for the winter… But I believe that some will pass in the oven ! Thank you for this recipe and these beautiful photos. !

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you very much Aurore for taking the time to leave me a note here, it always means a lot to me. And thank you for testing these tomatoes 😉