Watermelon Chia Fresca

Chia fresca

Bon on va pas se mentir, à l’heure qu’il est les 3/4 de la France sont en train de rôtir sur place, petit point météo à l’heure où j’écris ces lignes, il fait plus de 30 degrés dans l’appartet je ne vous parle même pas de dehors ! Du coup depuis quelques jours je me nourris de glaces (pas top pour le bikini mais bon !) et je m’hydrate avec cette recette de chia fresca à la pastèque (mieux, beaucoup mieux pour le bikini !). Oui parce dès qu’il fait chaud la pastèque ça sauve la vie, car d’une ça nourrit et de deux ça hydrate, so I can tell you that I have my little stock in the fridge ! So I also always have a chilled bottle of chia fresca, now I'll have to try other fruits or iced tea, I'm sure it will be perfect ! Little confession of the day : you can't know how hot I was just by shooting the recipe and spending a little time in front of the computer post-processing and writing these lines so I think that as long as there is a heatwave I I'm going to strike !!!

I'm not going to lie to you, I make my recipe a bit off the cuff, but just for you I tried to weigh it so that you still have roughly exact proportions.… all this to say that you are not 10 g close, that's not pastry ! Good thirst quencher !!!

recette de chia fresca

Chia fresca à la pastèque

Watermelon Chia Fresca
Pour 1 litre
To print
  1. 3 tablespoons of chia seeds
  2. 30 key of water
  3. 600 g seedless watermelon
  4. The juice of half a lemon (or more if affinity !)
  1. Pour the water into a bottle then add the chia seeds, stir well.
  2. Remove the skin from the watermelon and blend it in a blender to obtain juice.. Add the watermelon juice to the water mixture / chia.
  3. Leave to cool 2 hours.
  4. Enjoy fresh
aime & mange https://aime-mange.com/
Chia fresca recette

Chia fresca pastèque


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  • Agnes

    The photos are beautiful! That sounds awesome!

  • achur

    bonjour, where to find chia seeds thank you

    • Emilie

      Bonjour, chia seeds can be found in organic stores