Sweet potato gnocchi with parmesan and sage sauce {sans gluten}

Gnocchis de patate douce

Après la linzertorte hier, voici aujourd’hui une idée de plat de fête, des gnocchis de patate douce sauce parmesan et sauge. J’adore la patate douce violette, je trouve qu’elle donne un air de fête à ces gnocchis et c’est tant mieux car c’est l’effet recherché ! Une recette de fête certes, mais une recette toute simple avec une pâte à gnocchis qui peut être préparée un peu à l’avance (tout comme la sauce) et réservée sous film au frais. La cuisson, elle, reste minute pour une dégustation parfaite (bon la cuisson ne dure que 3 minutes, you won't stay away from your friends/sweetheart for long(e)/mother-in-law !). I wanted to offer you a little gluten-free dish, but if no one is sensitive among your guests, you can always replace rice flour with wheat flour, It doesn't change much in the recipe. (oui, because not everyone has rice flour in their cupboard, and you will curse me if you ever have to run to the organic grocery store at the last minute).

Brief, these sweet potato gnocchi are perfect as a main course but you can very well divide the proportions and make them as a starter like our Italian friends ! Serve with a small glass of wine (with moderation) or sparkling fruit juice (In my opinion !).

Gnocchis de patate douce recette

recette de gnocchis de patate douce

Sweet potato gnocchi with parmesan and sage sauce {sans gluten}
Pour 4 people
To print
  1. 650 g of sweet potato (here purple)
  2. 120 g of potato starch
  3. 130 g rice flour
  4. 1 egg
  5. You sell
  7. 40 whipping cream
  8. 150 g grated parmesan
  9. Pepper
  10. 5 Sage leaves
  1. Cook the sweet potatoes 35-40 minutes in a field dress.
  2. Peel them and put them through a potato masher.
  3. Mix with the beaten egg, rice flour, starch and salt until you obtain a homogeneous paste, soft but not too sticky (add a little flour if necessary).
  4. let stand 30 minutes.
  5. Flour your work surface well and shape the dough into a log then into sections. Roll the sections on a fork and your gnocchi are ready.
  6. Heat the cream in a saucepan, add the parmesan, sage in pieces, pepper and let boil 5 minutes.
  7. Boil salted water and immerse your gnocchi in it for cooking 3-4 minutes.
  8. Emulsify the sauce with a hand blender and serve with parmesan shavings.
aime & mange https://aime-mange.com/
Gnocchis de patate douce sans gluten


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  • Your recipe is super original, my darling.. It must be very good.

    Have a pleasant evening.


  • kathou

    Your dish is very pretty, if in addition it is good !

  • jeanne

    Stunning !

  • Plum life

    I love gnocchi, and particularly those of my grandmother yum yum ! Colorful like that it really makes a festive meal, I love it ^^ very good recipe idea. Thank you for sharing it with us 😀 lots of kisses !

    • Emilie

      I got that from my grandmother too 😉

  • Muriel

    This recipe is so good… I ADORE ! 😉

  • Manayiiin

    It is very beautiful, and above all an explosion of colors which should not spoil the pleasure ! I'll probably try this recipe one of these. 4, if I find purple sweet potatoes…

    • Emilie

      Otherwise it will still be pretty with orange but it’s true that purple sends !!!

  • Amelie


    It’s really beautiful and adds color to your plate.! Bravo for this originality!

    Very nice blog!!


    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Amelie, I'm blushing 🙂

  • AuroreTravel

    It's a beautiful recipe ! I have always wanted to try the homemade gnocchi recipe, but a little lazy to make the puddings 🙂

    • Emilie

      Ah yes it’s true that it’s better when you have help !

  • Marie

    It looks delicious to me but can we replace the potato starch with cornstarch??