Makrouts au four {without milk}

Makrouts au four {sans lait}

Cette recette de makrouts au four traine depuis un petit moment dans mes tiroirs alors je me suis dis banco, tant qu’on y est après Mardi Gras, plus rien ne vous fait peur ! Mais détrompez-vous car cette recette n’est pas cuite dans l’huile mais au four, oui souvenez-vous je n’aime pas vraiment la friture chez moi et puis je pense à votre ligne (et à la mienne !) ! En fait il faut que je vous avoue quelque chose j’adore les makrouts, c’est mon péché mignon alors une version au four avec peu de sucre c’est quand même le Graal, provided you do not confuse semolina and couscous semolina… yes because there you are badly crossed otherwise !

In short, it's a bit long to do but the game is totally worth it., and it's still class in Dalas to bring it back to the girlfriends from work / to beautiful- mom / to your dwarf after school (cross out unnecessary mentions).

Makrouts au four {sans lait}

Makrouts au four {sans lait}

Makrouts au four {without milk}
For about thirty
To print
  1. 550 g medium semolina
  2. 25 cl neutral vegetable oil
  3. 15 key of water
  4. 2 tablespoons of orange blossom
  5. 100 g of flour
  7. 400 g of date paste
  8. 100 g sesame seeds
  9. 2 tablespoons of orange blossom
  10. 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
  11. 1 tablespoon neutral vegetable oil
  12. A little water (optional)
  14. 200 g of honey
  1. Mix together the semolina and the oil and let stand 2 hours.
  2. Then add the water to the mixture., the orange blossom and the flour then mix by hand or in a food processor fitted with a leaf and leave to stand 1 minimum hour.
  3. Meanwhile prepare the stuffing, To do this, mix all the ingredients together to form a ball. (add a little water if needed to loosen the mixture).
  4. Preheat the oven to 175°.
  5. Then form as many sausages of dough as sausages of stuffing.
  6. Make a hollow in the center of the roll of dough then incorporate the stuffing and close with the dough then flatten slightly. Do the same with the rest of the dough and stuffing.
  7. Cut the sausages diagonally and place the makrouts on a baking sheet.
  8. Bake 30 minutes.
  9. Slightly heat the honey to liquefy it and dip the makrouts in it as soon as they come out of the oven.
  10. Let cool and enjoy !
aime & mange
Makrouts au four {sans lait}

Makrouts au four {sans lait}


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  • LadyMilonguera

    How tempting are your makrouds !

  • CookieM

    Frying is banned with us. Then … I'm amazed because I love these cupcakes. On the photos, they look like their “counterparts” (if i may say) too chubby !
    The amount of liquid versus dry ingredients surprises me. More, I imagine there is no mistake.
    here I am happy 🙂
    As soon as I have some time, I'm going for it. Thank you for this discovery.

    • Emilie

      No mistake it seems, you'll see it's a great recipe 😉

  • Cecilecooks

    I really like this recipe idea in the oven rather than with frying. For my part, for Mardi Gras, I made bugnes in the oven and it was great !

    • Emilie

      Oh yes nice idea the bugnes in the oven 😉

  • couchie

    I also love makrouts ( even though I only lived there 3 first years of my life, I was born in Morocco ) and I don't like fried food either. ( I am often reproached for it at home ) so i say yes, oui, yes to this recipe 🙂

  • Clementine

    Oh if it's without frying, I take ^^ (I hate frying and my hips don't like it either !)
    merci 🙂

    • Emilie

      And then it's really more digestible 😉

  • miss cake

    The Makrouts recipe is of Tunisian origin and exactly the city of Kairouan where my mother was born. The smell of this delicacy is still a childhood memory that I will never forget..

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you for that precision., I imagine it's a beautiful memory for you indeed !

  • Nina

    Raaah but why did I say to myself "hey if I caught up on the comments at Emilie's" now! I'm never going to last until the meal there! No but the makrouts, what is THE oriental pastry (good with gazelle horns with orange blossom marzipan in it, miaaam), I love these little things, I could eat tons of them if I weren't afraid of gaining three hundred kilos in a day haha! So there you can imagine that a version without frying, it speaks to me 😉

    • Emilie

      Oh yes gazelle horns… my mom loves it so she makes a ton of it once a year !!! I too am a fan of oriental pastry but not my butt 😉

  • Mme MARTA

    simply EXCELLENT !!!