Crepe batter {without milk}

Pâte à crêpe

La chandeleur est passée mais l’envie de crêpes non, alors pour combler tout ça, pourquoi ne pas se préparer une bonne pâte à crêpe ?! Oui, parce que les crêpes c’est un peu quand on a en envie, tellement c’est enfantin à faire, alors à la maison on ne se prive pas et c’est souvent l’occasion d’un goûter le dimanche. Cette-fois-ci j’avoue ça n’était pas un dimanche mais un jour de semaine pendant le sieste de Mini-Mademoiselle, but what I can tell you is that I know two who were delighted to have pancakes for their breakfast the next morning !

Go heat up the crepe pan or the billig (for the more Breton among you) and prepare yourself a good snack this afternoon !


Pâte à crêpe sans lait

Crepe batter {without milk}
For twenty
To print
  1. 300 g T55 flour
  2. 4 eggs
  3. 65 cl vegetable milk (here rice milk)
  4. 15 g vegetable margarine
  5. 1 tablespoon of sugar
  6. 1 pinch of salt
  7. 1 pinch of vanilla powder
  1. Melt the margarine and set aside.
  2. In a salad bowl, mix the flour, sugar, vanilla and salt. Add the eggs in the center and stir.
  3. Add the melted margarine and mix.
  4. Slowly stir in the previously warmed milk to obtain a smooth paste..
  5. let stand 30 cool minutes.
  6. Mix the batter and make your pancakes.
aime & mange
Pâte à crêpe maison

recette de crêpe

Good pancakes !


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  • How pretty are these pancakes ! Suffice to say that they absolutely do not help me curb this craving for pancakes that I have had since this morning..

    • Emilie

      Thanks my beauty, no I admit it's a bit of gluttony but you're often not bad in your style 😉

  • BoopCook

    they look good =)

  • Monica

    They look appetizing and are of a very beautiful bronze color. I'm going to have to wait because I don't have vegetable milk. Big thanks

  • Miss Pat'

    Emilie, your pancakes are so beautiful, they make me want so much ! Thank you for sharing, always with great photos. Kisses !

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Pat’ ^-^
      Kisses kisses and have a nice day !

  • Blandina

    Yum! Me who was looking for a more plant-based alternative for my pancakes, I'm glad to stumble upon this recipe.. I'm going to try it out next week., these pancakes look really good.
    Merci 🙂

    • Emilie

      Oh it's cool, I'm happy to make people happy !

  • Oumbil

    These pancakes look so good !

  • They are beautiful your pancakes!

  • Foodbiotic

    My last pancakes were a total fail. They were impossible to roll or fold and were crispy. I guess my fire was too strong. So I think I'll try this version of the recipe to see 🙂

    • Emilie

      Yes it is often the problem with pancakes, pan too hot or not hot enough !!! So I hope this will reconcile you with pancakes 😉

  • carine

    Bonjour , made this morning the pancakes are delicious 🙂 thank you for these beautiful recipes that you offer us . "Love and eat" is my favorite food blog!

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Carine, it touches me a lot 🙂 And thank you for this return on pancakes 😉