Pumpkin soup and coral lentils with coconut milk and red curry

Velouté de potimarron et lentilles corail

L’hiver n’est pas encore fini et chose positive, on peux encore se concocter de bonnes petites soupes. Et quoi de mieux qu’une soupe bien complète avec des légumes et des légumineuses ?!

Parfaite après une journée de ski (ou de boulot !), ce velouté nous emmène en voyage en Inde avec ses saveurs de lait de coco et de poudre de curry rouge (merci à belle-maman pour ces épices ramenées d’Inde !).

Velouté de potimarron et lentilles corail

C’est pour qui la bonne soupe ?!

Pumpkin soup and coral lentils with coconut milk and red curry

Ingredients (pour 2-3)

  • 1 petit potimarron (environ 600 g)
  • 100 g of coral lentils
  • 1 onion
  • 40 cl of coconut milk
  • 30 cl of vegetable broth
  • 1 c. at c. red curry powder
  • 1 filet d’huile d’olive
  • Salt and pepper
  • grated coconut


Chop the onion and brown it in a casserole dish with a drizzle of olive oil..

Wash and scrape the pumpkin, cut it into pieces and add it to the onion.

Then add the previously rinsed coral lentils and cover with coconut milk., broth and curry. Cook over low heat and covered for 35 minutes.

Mix everything finely then adjust the seasoning.

Velouté de potimarron et lentilles corail

Serve with a little grated coconut on top.


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  • Oh yes, it's still winter. The March showers are here this year :-S

  • Whoa

    mmhm I love very creamy and fragrant veloutés !

  • Switzerland

    mmmmm…… just the title makes me want, I'm interested in some good velvety.

  • She looks nice like all this soup, especially if the spices come directly from there !

  • Excellent combination of ingredients, this velouté looks delicious.

  • Syl

    what a great recipe, I really like.

  • Lolotte

    hummm this soup looks more than delicious to me!

  • Miss Pigut

    Your soup is pretty ! I'm not unhappy that we're approaching the end of winter, but when I see pretty things like this, I'm less impatient with the approach of the sunny days… merci !

  • Coco

    Tested, approved !