Falafel bagels, avocado and tahini

Bagels aux falafels, avocat et tahiné

Après vous avoir dévoilé ma super recette de falafel, voici une petite idée pour les déguster sur le pouce à l’heure du déjeuner. Et quoi d’autre qu’un pain bagel top tendance pour changer du pain pita…?! Nothing else ! Je vous laisse donc succomber à ce délicieux en-cas sain, perso je n’en ai fait qu’une bouchée (enfin manière de parler, ne tentez pas ça car c’est quand même un peu gros en une seule bouchée !!!).

Ce bagel est vraiment le combo parfait entre l’avocat, la sauce tahiné et les falafels, et puis en ce moment je suis dans ma période avocat (who said I was monomaniacal ?!), Short, if I could, I would devour hundreds….

Bagels aux falafels, avocat et tahiné

Bagels aux falafels, avocat et tahiné

And then if you don't like falafel, you still have the bagels saumon !

Falafel bagels, avocado and tahini

Ingredients (pour 2 bagels)

  • 2 pains bagel
  • 3 falafel
  • 1/2 attorney
  • 1 c. to s. lemon juice

For the tahini sauce

  • 3 c. to s. the tahini (sesame paste)
  • 2 c. to s. water
  • 1 c. to s. lemon juice
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 c. at c. de gros sel


Cut the avocado into strips. Lemon it with a little lemon juice to prevent it from blackening and set aside.

Prepare the tahini sauce by mixing the garlic in a blender, coarse salt and lemon juice. Mix well then add the water and tahini and mix again.

Cut the bagels in half and spread tahini sauce on the bottom bun then place the avocado slices on top. Finally add the warm falafels cut in half on the bagels (three halves per bagel) and add a little sauce on top. Cover with the top of the bagel.


Bagels aux falafels, avocat et tahiné

Cut the bagels in half and enjoy.


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  • Maelle

    This recipe is great ! I am a big fan of bagels, I'm served =D I will keep your recipe carefully in mind … and I feel like I'm going to enjoy myself ! kiss and good day

    • Emilie

      Thank you miss 😉 Simple but effective !!!

  • Very original this bagel, I love its exoticism!!
    Have a good evening

  • Laure

    It’s funny, not long ago I ate a delicious sandwich made of falafel and raw vegetables in a tortilla.. I was surprised because I have refused to eat falafel for years on the pretext that I hate chickpeas and so I reconsidered my copy. This bagel recipe looks delicious !! And so I take the opportunity to go see the falafel one !! Thank you for that great recipe !!

    • Emilie

      Ah yes very original in a tortilla, I'm sure I would love it !!! Thank you Laure 😀

  • Caper

    This looks very good !

  • Gaby

    Very original and certainly delicious!

  • Original as a bagel recipe

  • lydia

    Very tempting ! Kisses

  • There is everything I love in this bagel, a massacre !

  • Let's talk

    This recipe immediately caught my eye.
    I love bagels, I'm a fan of falafel and I'm craving avocado at the moment.
    Three good reasons not to wait to test it.
    What a treat !!!
    Many thanks for sharing this.
    Good evening.

  • I love these bagels that contain everything I love. I can't take just one bite, but maybe in two I can devour them :)