Raspberry and Basil Bissap

Qui n’a pas envie de se désaltérer avec une bonne petite boisson toute fraiche ces derniers temps ?! De mon côté je cherche toujours quelque chose à boire, autre que de l’eau, sain et peu sucré sur lequel je peux jeter mon dévolu à n’importe quelle heure de la journée ! C’est le cas du bissap,
cette boisson typiquement africaine
qui est une infusion de fleurs d’hibiscus. Dans cette recette j’ai décidé de faire du bissap un peu plus fruité avec des framboises et du basilic et je crois que de toutes les versions testées cet été, this one is by far a favorite (yes because with a liter drunk per day, I can tell you that I had time to test a lot of things !). Homemade fresh infusions are simple and economical, you can do it with just about anything you have on hand( I said roughly eh ! Do not test with potato or eggplant skins !), I'm sure you remember the fashion for detox water a few years ago !
The super simple trick is to make your infusion in the evening, leave it quietly overnight in the fridge and filter it the next morning… and you did almost nothing !

Raspberry and Basil Bissap
- 1 liter of water cold
- 40 g dried hibiscus flowers
- 50 g raspberries
- 1/4 bunch of basil
- 1 To 2 tablespoons agave syrup
- In a bottle put all the ingredients and let infuse overnight in the fridge.
- The next morning filter (save the raspberries for serving).
- Drink chilled.

10.8.19I would be very curious to taste a glass of it…
16.9.19It's super easy and quick to do 😉
19.8.19These fresh infusions are very popular at home. It's been a long time since I visited your blog.. I discover with pleasure the new design, appetizing recipes and photos. Congratulations for all this work.
16.9.19Oh thank you very much Aude, what a pleasure to read your note, it gives meaning to my work here 🙂