Earl Gray bergamot and black tea bundt cake {Battle Food #6}

Bundt cake au thé

C’est l’heure de la 6ème édition de la Battle Food lancée par la talentueuse Mamie Gâteau du blog j’ai trop mangé de chocolat, dont le thème est le thé.

Ah l’heure du thédes petits gâteaux, un bon cake ou des sandwich, des copines pour papoter et un bon thé bien sûr !!! SO, pour rendre hommage à ce thème, j’ai voulu concentré un thé classique que j’adore dans un gâteau, le thé earl grey.

Bundt cake au thé

Bundt cake au thé

Du thé noir, des bergamotes fraîches (enfin c’était la fin de saison quand la battle a été lancée !) in a soft cake… all covered with a tangy tea syrup…hmmmm…I would like to have tea time every day !

Earl Gray bergamot and black tea bundt cake


  • 180 g of flour
  • 125 g ground almonds
  • 100 g cane sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 10 cl of grapeseed oil
  • The zest and juice of 3 bergamot
  • 1 packet of yeast

For the tea syrup

  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 90 g of concentrated black tea

For the icing

  • 225 g icing sugar
  • The juice and zest of 1 bergamot


Preheat the oven to 180°.

Beat the eggs and sugar together to obtain a frothy mixture.. Then add the oil and beat again.

Incorporate the flour thoroughly, yeast and almond powder.

Finish by adding the zest and juice of the bergamot to the mixture..

Put the mixture in a bundt cake mold (or failing that a kouglof mold) buttered and floured. Bake 40 minutes.

Let cool 5 minutes, unmold and let the cake cool on a rack.

Prepare the tea syrup by mixing the previously brewed black tea and the sugar. Bring the syrup to a boil, the sugar needs to dissolve. While the cake is still warm, prick it with a needle and pour the syrup over it.

For the icing, mix the icing sugar and the juice and zest of the bergamot to obtain a homogeneous icing. When the cake is warm, pour it over the top, letting it flow over the edges.

Bundt cake au thé

Bundt cake au thé

Bon tea time !


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  • Oh ouiiiiiiiii ! A soft Earl Gray flavored cake that speaks to me!!! And he is beautiful, Bundt cakes are a bit like life anyway, aren’t they?? Kudos for this recipe, very nice achievement!

  • argon

    It looks so good … your photos are very appetizing, Thank you for this recipe !

  • I'm a fan of Earl Gray, it must be delicious in the cake.
    I want to taste it now :)


  • sokeenforever

    your photos are superb and I admit that this is totally the kind of cupcake that I like to make !!!! 🙂 I therefore carefully note this recipe 😉

  • ladymilonguera

    Oh dear… how soft it looks !!!

  • lauriecreacuisine

    It’s almost time for a snack, I’d love to have a little slice 😉

  • Co

    Hmm, this little cake looks very good to me…

  • Very pretty cake which we would love to take a slice of!

  • The photos are superb ! I'm just drinking tea and this cake makes me want !!!! To do quickly

  • BoopCook

    he looks deeeeeelicious ! And the photos are just superb =D

  • emysoulkitchen

    It looks so soft ! Very beautiful pictures !

  • Wow as usual, good idea, nice photo and I'm hungrymmmm ! 🙂

  • How beautiful it is and how inspiring it is ! Bon tea time 🙂

  • Granny Cakes

    Bundt don't know, fresh bergamot either! As a result, I'm very curious about what it tastes like ^^… But I'm sure it's very good, le earl grey j’adore!

  • miss kitchen

    Mmmh what a delicious tea cake, it's too good! I never have real bergamot but it must be delicious ! ^^

  • Emilie

    Thank you all for your kind comments..
    It must be said that this theme was very inspiring… 😉

  • Very effective and appetizing !!

  • Claire-tte

    Bon, as per usual, I bow ! He is superb, really well done ! Plus, these are flavors that really please everyone., even those who are not a fan of tea. I adore, quite simply

  • A good cake as I like them, I love this kind of dessert…

  • Your photos are superb and this cake aaaah I would love a slice ! Another nice participation 🙂

  • Lily'

    very very nice recipe, this cake is just beautiful, the work of flavors is very sought after, bravo !

  • I don't know this cake at all but looking at the photos it just looks too soft.… Tomorrow is my birthday, you deliver ?

  • As always your recipes are “To die For” !!

  • Mmmmmmm ! But why aren't blogs in odorama ?!!
    What a magnificent cake ! I would love to taste bergamot.
    Good day and see you soon !

  • mArie

    And as usual, beautiful photos and a lovely recipe ! definitely, I’m a fan of your blog 🙂

  • Marie

    Oh, I want some ! and then lemon bergamot Earl Gray, It’s a bit of a winning trio for me :)

  • crispx

    Nothing to say except “HUMMM” ^^ Kisses

  • Wow, always pretty photos and recipes that make you really want to, I melt every time !! When will there be a book, girls? ? 🙂

    • Emilie

      Thank you for your comment.
      I admit that we think about it (to the book), but I don't know if that would really interest me…

  • Coralie

    Well done girls for your version of the Battle Food, I adore ! This is typically the kind of cake I enjoy with a nice cup of steaming tea :)

  • cookparadise

    The images speak for themselves !! I love that
    Beautiful evening


  • Nadi[Art]Design

    Kikou the beautiful ones ! Good sense that you make me want to cut myself a slice of cake directly <3 pour myself a cup of hot tea and just enjoy. De toute façon ce n'est pas encore tout à fait le printemps les flocons nous tournent encore autour un peu cette semaine, but I believe that Easter this Sunday will make them all disappear :)

    • Emilie

      Hello. Well for us it’s spring with its showers… Rain sun rain. This is also why these good cakes inspire us… A+

  • Aurelia

    Made and tasted , it is delicious! On the other hand, I was “surprised” by the 90g of tea? It’s 90g of liquid? I admit that I was a bit guessing about the tea syrup but tell me everything!! Thanks again for this inspiring blog. !

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you very much Aurel for your feedback and your compliments. Yes, that’s it, that’s it 90 g of liquid or approximately 9 cl.

  • Emma

    This looks absolutely delicious, as always but I live in Lyon, and I have never seen fresh bergamots either at the market or in the supermarket. Do you know where to get it??

    • Emilie

      I find mine at an organic grocery store. !

  • Louise

    This cake really tempts me, especially since I have fresh bergamots in my kitchen!
    But I don't have grapeseed oil… Can it be replaced with melted butter or olive oil??

    • Emilie

      Yes you can replace with one of the two although I think the olive oil will be a little too strong with the bergamot !