English cake with candied fruits

Cake anglais aux fruits confits

J’adore le cake anglais aux fruits confits mais je ne le cuisine pas souvent, alors quand j’en fais c’est la fête à la maison, youhou !!!

Voici une version avec beaucoup de fruits confits et de raisins, et de la vergeoise pour lui donner un goût plus prononcé, mais si vous en avez pas, remplacez-la simplement par de la cassonade, du sucre blanc ou bien du miel (c’est simple la vie quand même !).

Cake anglais aux fruits confits

Comme je sais que vous êtes des filles (et des garçons !) pressées(ou un peu flemmardes sur les bords), il n’y a même pas besoin de faire tremper les raisins dans le rhum, we integrate the two separately, life is not beautiful ?!!! And more, the fruit does not fall to the bottom, you will be proud of yourself (you have to appreciate yourself from time to time, because yes, I admit it, I also miss things sometimes !!!).

Cake anglais aux fruits confits

English cake with candied fruits


  • 200 g of flour
  • 125 g of butter
  • 80 g of vergeoise
  • 3 eggs
  • 100 g raisins
  • 100 g candied cherries
  • 100 g mixed candied fruit (angelic, orange, melon, pear…)
  • 1 c. to s. amber rum
  • 1 packet of yeast
  • 1 c. at c. bicarbonate of soude


Preheat the oven to 180°.

Cut the butter into small pieces and let it warm up a little until it becomes soft..

Mix together the butter and the sugar, the mixture should become creamy.

Then add the eggs one by one, mixing well between each. If your mixture is not smooth, It's not a big deal !

Then add the flour, the yeast and the bicarbonate all at once and mix without overworking the dough. Be careful, I'm going to make myself interesting: for those who don't already know, you should not overwork the cake dough because this develops the gluten contained in the wheat flour and you will have a very dry cake. ! Not cool !!!

Then add the rum and the fruit (cut if necessary) and mix.

Put everything in a buttered and floured cake mold if necessary and bake 20 min. At the end of 20 min lower the oven temperature to 120° and let it cook 40 min.

Cake anglais aux fruits confits

Nice snack !


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  • Coralie

    You make me think that I haven't done one in a very long time (too much !) a long time. This is one of my favorite cakes, It reminds me of flavors from my childhood 🙂

  • cookparadise

    For a delicious Tuesday
    The week is shortened, Happy May 1st.

  • Josephine

    a cake with very delicious flavors!

  • Lili

    Mmmm so that, it's my guilty sin !!!! I never thought of making a plant-based version., take, This will perhaps be the subject of a future article.… Kisses ! :)))

    • Emilie

      Oh yes, in a plant-based version, me neither ! Soon a super gourmet and vegan cake on the blog 😉

  • BoopCook

    hmmm so good ! And the photos are superb !

  • ladymilonguera

    Your cake is very beautiful !!!

  • Whoa

    to die for this cake ! With a good tea I love it !

  • Lolotte

    I'm a fan of cakes like this. When I was little it was always Sunday snack. I'm putting the recipe aside to try one day.!

  • the ogress

    I must admit, I'm not a fan of candied fruit cake, but at the same time I have never tried to make it at home, and yours looks great !
    I've been following your blog for a while now and I love it, especially since you publish at a pace that impresses me ! That is why, when I was tagged for the Versatile blogger award, I immediately thought of “tagging” you too. I hope you won't mind participating in such a game. !
    Have a good week and good luck in any case 🙂

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much the ogress for your compliments and thank you for the Versatile, we will try to answer it but I can’t promise you anything 😉
      Have a nice week as well !

      • the ogress

        Thank you very much for your attention too, It’s certain that you seem very busy on your side so no problem, it’s still a game 😉
        See you soon !

  • cricri67

    This cake looks really good, I'm not normally a fan !!! I put it in my next recipes to try ^^

  • This cake is very pretty . Ideal at tea time.

  • EmilieRD

    I love this cake, my favorite and even better if it's full of candied cherries!

  • Mamijo

    Good evening to you
    This is my first visit to your lovely blog which enchants me.!!!bravo….I would like to understand by what miracle the fruits do not fall to the bottom please?I have already tried dusting with flour!..Little or no effect!
    Best wishes…

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Mamijo for these compliments 😉
      It’s just the miracle of the recipe !

  • veropapilles

    A very beautiful cake as I like them, for snack or breakfast, it's always very tasty. Cheers and have a nice day. Vero

  • Marie

    Really delicious recipe ! Merci ! Superb blog, very well illustrated, we will come back with pleasure 🙂