Winter vegetable turnovers {vegan}

L’hiver approche et la variété des légumes présents sur les étals des marchés commence sérieusement à baisser. Bref il va falloir faire avec et trouver des petits plats qui changent pour ne pas se lasser, c’est ce que j’ai voulu faire avec ces chaussons aux légumes. Ce que je ne vous ai pas encore dit c’est que ce sont de supers chaussons (oui, oui ceux avec une cape !), car ils forment à eux seuls un repas complet et seront parfait simplement accompagnés d’une salade de votre choix. Des légumes pour les vitamines, patate douce et panais, des légumineuses pour les protéines, chickpeas and whole grains for fiber, flour and flakes (cereal no snow, hein !), SO, life is not beautiful ?!

Winter is coming but so is Christmas, So I have planned a little surprise for you on Thursday, 10 Christmas recipes be 1 per day until 24, just to please you and give you ideas for a veggie Christmas meal. Bon, I'll leave you because I still have to go and polish all that up !!!

Winter vegetable turnovers {vegan}
For around twenty little slippers
To print
  1. 2 Sweet potatoes
  2. 2 parsnip
  3. 100 g cooked chickpeas
  4. 1 tablespoon of curry powder
  5. Salt and pepper
  6. 1 filet d'huile d'olive
  8. 250 g T80 flour
  9. 70 g small oat flakes
  10. 13 key of water
  11. 5 tablespoons neutral vegetable oil
  12. 2 g de sel
  13. 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder
  1. To make the dough, Mix the dry ingredients together then add the oil. Sand the dough with your fingertips then add the water gradually. Work the dough by hand or in a robot fitted with a sheet to form a homogeneous mixture.. Form a ball and let rest 1 cool hour. Get out 15 minutes before spreading it.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200°.
  3. Prepare the stuffing, To do this, cut the sweet potatoes and parsnips into small cubes., place on a baking tray with the chickpeas, spices and olive oil. Bake 20 minutes.
  4. Once the vegetables are cooked, crush roughly.
  5. Roll out the dough on 3-4 mm thick then cut out circles using a cookie cutter of approximately 10 cm in diameter.
  6. Wet the edges of the circles with water then put a spoonful of stuffing in the center. Close the dough into a half-moon shape, making folds to seal it well.. Repeat until you run out of ingredients.
  7. Preheat the oven to 180°.
  8. Arrange the chassons on a baking tray then brown them using a brush with olive oil and add a few sesame seeds on top.
  9. Bake 20 minutes.
aime & mange


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  • Lucie

    So cute, and it looks so delicious!!
    Lucie, xx

  • Anne

    There is everything I like!

  • Kempf tiffany

    This is a very original recipe, I absolutely have to try it ! 🙂

  • Rosenoisettes

    These little slippers really have everything to please me !
    I love winter vegetables, there are so many !

  • martine

    what a good idea – merci

  • Lou

    Tested recipe for a vegan mezze, that was delicious ! I accompanied the turnovers with a yogurt-lemon-mint sauce which went very well with it..
    And I added raisins to the topping 😉
    Thank you so much ! Your blog is great.

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Lou, I am delighted that this recipe was a success ! Great idea for a yogurt sauce to go with it 😉

  • Dominique

    Bonjour , what flour do you recommend for a gluten-free version? ? Merci

    • Emilie

      I advise you 50 % brown rice flour, 25 % buckwheat and 25 % chickpeas 😉

  • Fanny

    Bonjour, I tried this recipe last night and it was a delight. The dough is just perfect, tasty, not dry. I just modified the filling with what I had in my freezer. : a mixture made from leeks, pumpkin, peppers and tomatoes (not really in season…) and red beans. Without forgetting spices to spice it all up. A faultless. Thank you for this recipe, which once again is superb !
    This blog is a real gem.

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you very much Fanny for this great feedback, It’s really adorable 😉

  • Isa

    Bonjour, a recipe that tempts you Does it work with olive oil? ? Merciii

  • Beverley James

    Je ne trouve pas de la farine T80. Est ce qu’on peut utiliser T55 ?

  • Andrault Catherine

    bonjour, I plan to freeze these little slippers … What do you think ?

    • Emilie

      Oh yes without problem I do it myself !