ghost cookies {Halloween}

Cookies fantômes {Halloween}

Boo !!! Bon, peut-être que vous n’avez pas eu peur, mais vous allez changer d’avis en voyant ces terrifiants cookies fantômes que je vous ai préparés pour Halloween ! Oui car Halloween c’est dans deux jours, alors quoi de mieux que le mercredi pour préparer ces délicieux cookies fantômes avec les enfants (quoi c’est les vacances ?! Bon bah demain ou après demain ça marche aussi alors !). Pour faire simple et gourmand, j’ai choisi de reprendre en partie la recette de mes cookies au chocolat, et de les surmonter de fantômes en meringue suisse. Ne vous inquiétez pas il n’y a rien de bien fantôme sorcier là dedans !!! Bon, and if you ever lack inspiration and need to create a huge sweet buffet for Halloween (do we ever know), no panic, there are also the cupcakes momies and the spider cupcakes each more frightening than the other !

Bon Halloween !

Cookies fantômes {Halloween}

Cookies fantômes {Halloween}

ghost cookies {Halloween}
Pour 15 ghost cookies
To print
  1. 150 g of flour
  2. 150 g of butter
  3. 120 g cocoa powder
  4. 100 g dark chocolate
  5. 100 g brown sugar
  6. 100 g of brown vergeoise
  7. 3 eggs
  8. 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  9. 1 pinch of baking soda
  10. 1 pinch of salt
  12. 1 egg white
  13. 35 g caster sugar
  14. Chocolate chips
  1. Melt the butter and chocolate in a bain-marie or in the microwave. Add the sugars, vanilla extract and eggs and mix until smooth.
  2. Mix the flour, cocoa powder, the bicarbonate and the pinch of salt together then add everything to the previous mixture.
  3. Book cool 30 minutes
  4. Preheat the oven to 170°.
  5. Take the dough out of the fridge and form balls using an ice cream scoop.. Arrange the dough balls on a baking tray, spacing them well apart and flattening them slightly..
  6. Bake 13 minutes.
  7. Meanwhile prepare the Swiss meringue, To do this, put the egg white in a salt bowl in a bain-marie then start whipping it until stiff.. Add the sugar then continue to beat until you obtain a shiny meringue.. Remove the bowl from the bain-marie and continue to whisk the meringue until completely cooled..
  8. Put the mixture in a piping bag and tick ghosts on your cookies.
  9. Add the chocolate chips as an eye.
aime & mange
  Recette Cookies fantômes {Halloween}


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  • Muriel


  • bree13

    I was scared, and, and !

  • Cecile

    Too cute ! A height for a ghost…

  • They are terrifying (read: lovely) these little cookies! Too cute!

  • Pauline

    How delicious is meringue?, one of the month (too much) many cute sins !! My cookies always look more like soft cakes than real cookies, I can't get that "sandy" look.
    Yours are very pretty and I will devour them… not even afraid 😉

    • Emilie

      Oh yes like me !!! So I hope you like this recipe., I just removed the chocolate chips from the initial recipe !

  • Leah

    Your little ghosts are so cute !
    The cookies they sit on look absolutely delicious !!
    I love it ♥

    • Emilie

      Thanks my beauty !!! Oui ces cookies sont à tomber 😉

  • Louise

    Ils sont trop rigolos, ces petits fantômes !

  • moum007

    trop mimis!

    • Emilie

      Merciiiii, j’ai beaucoup aimé tes sablés aussi 😉

  • Foodbiotic

    Oh lala ! Ils sont trop beau !

  • doll

    Trop choux tes petits fantômes !!