Flammekueche vegan

tarte flambée vegan

A chaque fois que j’annonce à Monsieur qu’il y a de la flammekueche au menu, il est ravie car il adore ça (Monsieur à des origines alsaciennes, alors la tarte flambée ça lui rappelle les repas chez sa mamie !). Et je crois que ma flammekueche vegan est à la hauteur de ses souvenirs gustatifs, la douceur de la crème, les oignons et le goût fumé des lardons végétaux, tout y est. Et puis bon on va pas se la cacher c’est un repas facile et rapide à faire, que tout le monde aime et qui fait un repas parfait accompagner de salade chaude ou froide !

La flammekueche est la tarte fine parfaite,

clearly underestimated and too often reserved for the north east of France, she deserves to be better known ! A crunchy homemade dough and a classic filling, this is what will delight as many people as possible. To make it more fun, you can customize it as you wish (good not with pineapple eh, we agree ?!), for example with vegetable cheese or pieces of roasted squash !

tarte fine vegan
Vegetable tarte flambée

Flammekueche vegan


  • 250 g of vegetable bacon or smoked tofu
  • 150 g thick soy cream
  • 100 g of Greek soy yogurt
  • 2 onions
  • Salt and pepper


  • 200 g T55 flour
  • 10 key of water
  • 12 g of margarine
  • 3 g of dehydrated baker's yeast
  • 1/2 c. at c. of sel
  • Prepare the rhumkueche dough in advance, to do this put the yeast with the 10 cl of lukewarm water in a ramekin, let it rest 10 minutes.
  • Put the flour in a bowl, make a well and pour the water-yeast mixture into it. Knead the dough with your fingertips then add the salt and margarine. Work the dough until you obtain a smooth paste.. let stand 1 overcast hour.
  • Preheat the oven to 220° from the bottom.
  • Divide the dough into quarters and spread the dough as thinly as possible in Greek yogurt and heavy cream together and season with salt and generously with pepper. Spread this mixture on the dough.
  • Chop the onion. Spread it over theflamekueche and add the bacon.
  • Bake 8-10 minutes every.
Traditional Flammekueche






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  • Sonia

    Magnificent, merci! a question: I live in Italy, what cottage cheese can I choose? I'm going to try it gluten-free..ciao

    • Emilie

      Thank you Sonia ! Very good gluten-free idea and as for the fromage blanc, you need a low-fat one.

  • LadyMilonguera

    Hummmmmm… you make me want to do it…

  • Melanie

    The Munster version is also my favorite. I understand your man, We’re fine, we’re at the source 🙂
    Your tarte flambée is very beautiful..

    • Emilie

      Thank you Melanie ! Ahhh the chance 😉

  • I adore!!! And above all I keep your recipe!

  • Lucie


    I have a quick question regarding the recipe. the dough allows you to make 4 flame cakes, so what about the ingredients?
    1 flammekueche is for how many people?


    • Emilie

      Hello Lucy, it's the same for the ingredients, they are given for 4 flamkuechen and us, we eat 1 flammekueche each one because the dough is very thin.

  • I loveflammekueche, I really need to try to do it myself., Thanks for the recipe !

    • Emilie

      Oh yes I confirm it to you, plus it’s super simple !

  • moum007

    I make it often and I revisit it too. I just made one this week (with sunny notes) which will soon be on my blog! yours is superb!

  • Madame Maurice

    Thank you for this recipe !

    Madame Maurice

  • Line

    My kids hate onions… like all children I suppose, but I ….. I love everything !
    kisses x

  • zerzer

    Okay, I want one right now!.. Well I’ll put it on my ear for the weekend anyway :)

  • Celine

    I've never done it, but it makes me want !

  • Muriel G

    the mixture of fromage blanc and cream provides more lightness and creaminess than heavy cream alone. It's better like this!

    • Emilie

      Oui, it lightens things up a bit… 😉