Cereal pancakes, hand, lentils, goat, honey and nuts

Galettes de céréales

Après les galettes végetales au riz, lentils and pumpkin, je vous avez promis une autre recette de galettes de céréales, c’est chose faite aujourd’hui avec cette version plus que gourmande. J’ai associé le kamut que j’adore (hummm son bon goût de noisette), à des lentilles vertes du Puy (mes préférées), et ajouté des noix, du chèvre et du miel pour des galettes à tomber par terre.

Et puis quelques jolis oiseaux se sont invités à la séance photo, ils sont pas mignons ?!!!

Galettes de céréales maison

Galettes de céréales, kamut, lentilles, chèvre, miel et noix

Then, vous n’achèterez plus jamais vos galettes de céréales en magasin, juré, spat (finally by in the pancakes huh) !!!

Vegetable pancakes of kamut and lentils, goat, honey and nuts

Ingredients (pour 4)

  • 60 hand
  • 50 g of Puy AOC green lentils
  • 50 g goat's cheese log
  • 20 grams of walnuts
  • 20 g mountain honey
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 filet d’huile d’olive


Cook the kamut and lentils as directed on the package. Drain and put them in a blender.

Add the rest of the ingredients to the blender and blend for 2 minutes to form a paste. Season.

Form balls of dough and flatten them into patties..

Heat some olive oil in a frying pan and cook the patties over medium-high heat. 3 minutes per side.

Galettes de céréales recette maison

recette de galettes de céréales

Enjoy hot with a salad of sprouted seeds.


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  • pequery

    I remember this recipe I like it a lot! merci!

  • Gorgeous !!! And once again, super gourmand !

  • Mama Dine

    I put aside !!! It must be awfully good !!

  • xelo (@xelou1)

    Yum !!! It looks so good !!!

  • cookparadise

    Full of energy
    Good evening

  • Another great recipe from the super bloggers!!

  • Olivia

    Nice ! I just finished cooking my veggie pancakes. (for me it was chickpeas and carrots)

  • Juliette

    I haven't tried the kamut yet but these pancakes look delicious!

  • BoopCook

    it must be really yummy !

  • Lolotte

    At the moment I make a lot of vegetable pancakes, then with goat cheese and walnuts.. it's totally for me!

  • This recipe looks great, I will try it
    For lentils I tried belugas, it is the must of lentils in my opinion and tastes divine, you can find them in organic stores

  • flopinette

    Everytime, I melt in front of this recipe – I don't know kamut, the opportunity to try!

  • No need to add a little flour or cereal flakes ? The "dough" once mixed holds well ? I made meatballs the other night and for my part I sprinkled a little nutritional yeast … just in case ^^ I was afraid that everything would crumble when cooking !
    Beautiful cakes in any case and as you say … finish the store … meme was !!

    • Emilie

      Well listen no, I think the goat cheese and the honey acted as a binder and the fact of mixing it too. More in vegan version, yeast sounds good to me !

  • Natalie

    I adopted the recipe of the previous galettes !
    By making them vegan {tofu should do the trick} I feel like I'm going to enjoy these too. ! Thank you

    • Emilie

      Thank you Natalie, In effect, I think the tofu will do the trick perfectly and why not a touch of maple syrup ?!

  • Marie

    this looks so good ! I definitely need kamut !

  • lustine


  • Claire-tte

    Stunning ! Thank you for educating me on these ingredients, I would never have thought of making such pancakes !

  • Grenadine

    Oh yeah, it looks excellent ! I often use kamut flour, for pastries, I find it has a little “creamy” taste, I adore, but I did not know in the form of seeds, I have to get this !

  • cooked marine

    hello I wanted to know if where can freeze the gagalettes if not I can keep them how many days
    Thanks a lot

    • Emilie

      You can keep them 3 days in the fridge but freezing I don't know what it can give !

  • Annick Chauvet

    Merci! I was looking for exactly this kind of recipe.!

  • Celine

    oh great i will try ! Thanks to Cléa for putting the link to this beautiful recipe, and thank you for sharing it with us … Yum

  • Mathilda

    Very pretty, I'm trying it today with a mix of lentils+quinoa+comté+walnuts, Thank you for the inspiration !

  • cooked marine

    these pancakes make me want too much but no kamut I can replace it with what?
    Je voulais savoir si je pourrai la servir avec une soupe pensez vous que ca irai
    merci bcp

    • Emilie

      Pour remplacer le kamut, de l’épeautre, du petit épeautre ou du blé. Oui parfait avec une soupe légère Marine !