Potato Cake


Ce gâteau de pommes de terre me vient de ma grand-mère (mais si vous savez, la grand-mère qui me fait aussi des baked apples !), j’adore qu’elle m’en fasse quand je vais déjeuner chez elle. C’est un peu son petit plat « chouchou » avec les gnocchis di patate (oui, ma grand-mère est très patates !!!) et moi j’adore ça ! C’est vraiment un plat super simple qui ne demande que deux ingrédients que sont les pommes de terre et le beurre (good and then also salt and pepper but that doesn't really count huh ?!). Oui, because the whole thing holds together thanks to the starch of the potato, it is therefore important not to pass them under water, and the butter is used to nicely brown everything in the oven.

And then as the new potatoes arrive, it allows you to change the way you cook potatoes, yes because mash is good but sometimes you get tired of it… potato monday, potato tuesday, Potato Wednesday too… (don't thank me for the look in your head right now, it's offered !!!) ! Go zou a potato cake for tonight !

Gâteau de pommes de terre

Potato Cake
Pour 4 people
To print
  1. 600 g potatoes
  2. 70 g of butter
  3. Salt and pepper
  1. Preheat the oven to 180°.
  2. Peel and cut the potatoes into thin rounds using a mandolin, do not rinse them.
  3. Melt the butter. Brush a sheet of parchment paper with a little butter then put this sheet on a baking sheet.
  4. Arrange the sliced ​​potatoes nicely on the buttered sheet to form a circle, then add a little butter with a brush, salt and pepper between the different layers. Finish by finishing with the butter.
  5. Bake 25-30 minutes.
aime & mange https://aime-mange.com/

Gâteau de pommes de terre

Cut into slices and serve with a good salad.


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  • Manon

    Hmmm looks like an apple pie! say how many floors?? Thank you Thank you and always such a beautiful photo!

    • Emilie

      Thank you Manon ! As many potatoes as you have !!!

  • lydia

    Beautiful and great idea ! Kisses

  • Clara

    It's pretty and looks good =D For someone who doesn't like butter, you can put oil instead? =$

    • Emilie

      Yes you can replace with oil or margarine it's even better !

      • Camille

        So I'm going to be greedy but I can very well imagine this cake with duck fat and garlic ! And sprinkle with parsley at the exit of the oven… Yum !

  • Ferdy cuisine

    Hmmmmm I love it so much I'm going to try it 😉 thank you

  • shukarcooking

    Yum this looks delicious and so simple. I steal it from you.

  • Cooking Julia

    Wow that cake looks good ! I'll make it my dinner 🙂

  • aureliescooking

    Mmmmhhh !! Very successful this potato cake ! A question Emily : how many layers of potatoes do you make ? One or more ? Thank you for your answer !

    • Emilie

      Thank you Aurélie 😉 For the photo I only made one floor but you can of course make several, there will be more to eat (I would say until 6) !!!

  • Juliette

    A dish that comes from his grandmother can only be good ! In any case, it's like that with mine so I guess you're very proud to present this family recipe which looks very famous !
    Good evening

    • Emilie

      Yes that is very true !!!
      Good evening to you !

  • Rosenoisettes

    Not liking potatoes, I can't help but be enticed by this golden tart

    • Emilie

      Quoi ?! You don't like potatoes, you are the first person to tell me that !!! 🙁

  • LadyMilonguera

    A nice idea this potato cake…

  • He looks so good! I am writing down the recipe and will surely make it very soon. !
    But what kind of potatoes do you recommend? ? At the moment I only have rattes in stock and suddenly I wonder if it would be ok ?
    Anyway, thank you for sharing your family recipes, they all make one want more than the other !

    • Emilie

      Thank you Solene !
      The early potatoes that we find at the moment on the markets are perfect for this recipe so fingerlings are very good, it will only be better !!!

  • iris

    This is the photo that appealed to me the most in my blog visits today ! and what simplicity for this pie
    Thanks to your grandmother !

  • It is true that the photo is superb, as usual’ and this pretty family recipe is to be tested urgently. Merci!!

  • Syl

    To be tested as soon as possible !!!

  • williaume virginie

    I made this for a Sunday night family dinner, when morale is a little down with Monday's recovery…and great, delicious and it gave a little festive and friendly side!!! nothing like a good grandmother's recipe to gather her flock! merci

    • Emilie

      Oh awesome Virginia, I am delighted to have put a little happiness on your plates at the end of Sunday !!!
      That's clear, long live the grandmas !!!


    Nice discovery that your blog, the potato cake is wonderful, well gilded, what happiness with a salad and a good rib of lamb.
    I subscribed to the News.

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Andree, I am happy to have new readers !

  • Queverue

    This potato pancake is simple and delicious ! Merci

  • Crystal

    I found your blog with this lovely recipe.. Simple and effective for me who loves the "potato". I treasure this recipe that I will share with my daughter, when I go to visit him. I keep reading your recipes ….. Have a nice evening , dear Emily

    • Emilie

      Oh awesome, thank you very much for this nice little word 😉

  • To the bird

    Easy to make and tastes great! Thanks for the recipe.

  • This gorgeous cake caught my eye., that's it, i did it here : https://presquebonneamarier.com/2016/10/04/gateau-de-pommes-de-terre/ You can tell your grandma that he was very successful ! Thank you for sharing this family recipe with us. !


    I am going to make this recipe tonight and I think I will enjoy it thank you for this delicious potato cake


    It must be super good this will be my meal for tonight with an organic salad from my garden

  • Arielle

    It's simply delicious , I've made the potato cake twice and my guests love it.
    Thank you for sharing

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you very much Arielle for this return 🙂