Strawberry layer cake {without milk}

Recette layer cake aux fraises

Ces dernières semaines j’ai eu envie de me pencher sur le cas des layer cakes, et dans la série, vous avez déjà pu voir un layer cake au pavot et à l’orange and one rainbow cake aux fruits, mais aujourd’hui c’est d’un layer cake aux fraises dont j’avais envie ! Bon la recette date un peu (Sorry…bah oui la construction du blog a prit du temps et on a pas posté de recettes pendant un bon mois, du coup j’ai des recettes en stock), but we still find strawberries on the markets so no excuses not to test this killer. A fluffy sponge cake, Strawberries of course but also whipped cream with coconut cream… I can tell you that it was really great ! As you will have understood from the title (yes I know you are not stupid but I repeat just in case !), this layer cake is dairy-free so much healthier and more digestible too !

Oui, because with Mini-Mademoiselle who is allergic to cow's milk proteins, here we explore another cuisine, without milk, which fits perfectly with my desire to eat more vegetal ! More and more recipes without milk but also vegan are coming. Something to satisfy your desires to go green !

Strawberry layer cake

Layer cake recipe

Strawberry layer cake {without milk}
Pour 8-10 people
To print
  2. 4 large eggs
  3. 135 g brown wheat flour
  4. 135 g cane sugar
  5. 45 g vegetable margarine
  7. 500 g strawberries
  8. 50 cl of coconut cream
  9. 50 g icing sugar
  1. Preheat the oven to 180°.
  2. For the sponge cake, beat the eggs and sugar over a bain-marie until the mixture whitens and at least doubles in volume. Remove from the bain-marie and beat until cool (it may take 10 minutes).
  3. Melt the margarine, let it cool then add half to the egg-sugar mixture. Then add the flour to the mixture, stirring thoroughly, lifting the mass. Finish by adding the rest of the margarine.
  4. Pour the batter into a non-stick mold of about 18 cm in diameter and bake 35 minutes.
  5. Unmold, cool on a wire rack and cut into three equal discs.
  6. Prepare the coconut whipped cream, To do this, beat the very cold coconut cream with a mixer then incorporate the icing sugar with a rubber spatula..
  7. Cut the strawberries in half or quarters depending on their size..
  8. For mounting, take a first disc of sponge cake, cover with a little whipped cream then add strawberries. Proceed to the end, ending with strawberries.
  9. Sprinkle with a little icing sugar before serving.
  10. Enjoy immediately or keep refrigerated.
aime & mange
  Recette layer cake aux fraises

Layer cake recipe

Bon layer cake !


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  • elanor

    I who am not a fan of layer cakes, I would be tempted by yours, he looks very airy! And then as soon as there are fruits you immediately feel lighter 🙂

    • Emilie

      Merci miss Elanor, yes it is super light as texture, we could finish the cake ! Oui, a piece of cake and already 1 of the 5 fruits and vegetables per day !!!

  • Galou

    Whipped cream goes well with coconut cream ? I'm really tempted to say so !

    • Emilie

      Yes, not bad if you don't keep the cake for too long and on condition that you choose a coconut cream with a high percentage of fat (kind more than 20 %) or scoop the cream directly on top of a can of coconut milk.

  • Elodie's Bakery

    Heu… how to say… luckily the bathing suit test passed because I would put on this layer cake selfishly ! Yes I know it's wrong, but it's like that.

    • Emilie

      Lol ! Phew… Personally, the jersey test didn't pass, but hey, it's animal fat free then.. We all have the right to our little pleasure alone !!!

  • Leah

    Gorgeous !! Your photos are tip top !!
    That sounds awesome !

  • mili

    Rhooo as much I'm not a big fan of layer cake as much the strawberry layer cake makes me want and yours with this coconut whipped cream looks delicious to me

    • Emilie

      Oh cool, someone else I'm changing my mind about layer cakes !!! I confirm to you, we devoured it 😉

  • Nadia

    I couldn't resist this cake ! In addition, your set-up is superb 🙂 Thank you

    • Emilie

      Thank you my dear for your little word, I would have sent you some (or all the cake) mais j’ai peur qu’il ne tienne pas le voyage !!!

  • Sublime!! There are two of us drooling behind the screen! Plus the list of ingredients is short and simple.. I say hat!!

    • Emilie

      Wow, many thanks to you !!! You are making me blush ^-^

  • BoopCook

    hmmm beautiful !

    • Emilie

      Merci miss BoopCook ! Nice to meet you here !