Chestnut cake, chocolate-chestnut cream heart {sans gluten}

Moelleux Ă  la chĂątaigne

Ce moelleux c’est l’histoire d’une fille qui avait envie d’un dessert. Tout simple comme histoire, mais cette fille n’a toujours pas vraiment retrouvĂ© l’appĂ©tit malgrĂ© les mois qui passent alors elle s’est dit qu’une petite portion serait parfaite. Bon elle n’en a mangĂ© que la moitiĂ© mais heureusement Monsieur est arrivĂ© Ă  la rescousse !!!

Donc pour rĂ©sumer : un pot de homemade chestnut cream dans le frigo, a desire for a gourmet dessert for this evening with Monsieur = a sweet chestnut flour with a flowing heart with chocolate ganache and chestnut cream….hmmmm !

Moelleux Ă  la chĂątaigne

Moelleux Ă  la chĂątaigne

Take out your teaspoons !

Chestnut cake, chocolate-chestnut cream heart {sans gluten}

Ingredients (pour 6 soft)

  • 90 g chestnut flour
  • 70 g of butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 g icing sugar

For the chocolate-chestnut cream ganache

  • 50 g good dark chocolate
  • 50 g of butter
  • 2 c. to s. chestnut cream


Make the chocolate ganache and chestnut cream, to do this, melt the butter and chocolate together in a bain-marie then add the chestnut cream off the heat. Pour the ganache into mini-molds or a silicone ice cube tray then reserve in the freezer at least 30 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 180°.

Melt the butter then add the sugar and the eggs one by one. Then add the flour and mix.

Pour the preparation up to half into buttered muffin molds then add an ice cube of ganache. Then cover with dough.

Bake 10 minutes.

Moelleux Ă  la chĂątaigne

Unmold and enjoy immediately !


RĂ©pondre Ă  gourmandise Cancel reply

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  • Oh lala I like I like!!!

  • Lucile

    Very nice this soft.
    Too bad for the appetite on the other hand 🙁

  • Nelly

    See this flowing chocolate at 4:35 p.m., It's dramatic !

  • Sweet Faery

    With this autumnal spring, these little fluffy ones make me really want…

  • cookparadise

    It's all I love
    I wish you a good day

  • Coco

    Completely divine… 😀

    My doctor will yell at me again !!! 😛

  • And

    Happiness in a teaspoon! Mia Mia!!

  • poupougnette

    you make me melt! it is simply torture for me to look at your delicious photos, especially since I love chestnut cream! 😉
    beautiful evening. Kisses

  • Or

    so me it's the chestnut cream that makes me want 🙂 yum

  • Claire-tte

    So here at home it's morning, but appetite or not, I take it straight ! Ah, chestnut cream… I miss it !

  • Rosenoisettes

    But what a good autumn snack all the same 🙂

  • Louise Aime

    Ca a l’air si fondaaaaaaant ! I love chestnut flour so much…

  • Coralie

    I would have devoured this little fluffy ! So my beautiful, nothing serious I hope for the appetite !

    • Emilie

      ^_^ mercii. no don't worry, at least I passed the milestone of “I am disgusted by what I cook” !!!

  • odrey1990

    Everything I love in one dessert ! Chestnut and chocolate <3

  • Whoa

    Waw ! These muffins are just the atomic bomb !

  • Chestnut

    Life, too beautiful too beautiful too beautiful ! I have the appetite to devour at least 5 ^o^ Anyway everything with chestnuts is too good;) You have some left ? On the other hand, it's not cool to lose your appetite … I hope it comes back soon. With this kind of recipe it can only be on the right track ! A beautiful plush !

    • Emilie

      Lol !!! Thank you miss, yes I'm on the mend but it's ok , merci 😉

  • Ah la la la your first photo makes me salivate !!!! bravo !

  • Mourance totale en voyant ce ‘ptit gĂąteau qui ne demande qu’à ĂȘtre manger
 je l’ai entendu il m’a appelĂ©!

  • Carol

    Lovely work! Would you be happy to link it in to the current Food on Friday which is collecting snacks and treats? This is the link . I do hope to see you there. There are already quite a lot of links for you to check out. Cheers

  • cecily

    a perfect recipe for my little sister-in-law

  • gourmandise

    This softness is superb!!
    What a treat with this flowing heart!!

  • I'm literally cracking up! it's beautiful and super good! a very nice treat! My eyes shine!