Vegetable paella {vegan – sans gluten}


Je crois que je suis à peu près comme les 3/4 des gens, je n’ai jusqu’alors connu et mangé que de la paëlla royale. Mais voilà, la paëlla royale ça n’est pas vraiment le genre de plat que l’on mange tous les jours (and ! ah bon, Sorry!) ! SO, quand on a une envie de paëlla comme moi et qu’on a pas envie d’y passer 3 hours, de faire 30 tonnes de courses et qu’on veut manger sainement, alors on fait une paëlla aux légumes bien sûr (bon je suis sûre que l’avez vu venir celle là, mais pas grave) !!! Oui, parce que sinon ma recette à moi, Well it's no longer useless and I just have to go back to bed ! So here is a vegetable paella with lots of vegetables in it (as the word suggests) and even peas, because it seems that the real paella does not contain it (thing learned in the girls of Royal Chill), but it doesn't matter because peas are really good.

In short, here is a recipe full of vegetables, healthy and varied which I am sure will delight even the most fervent defenders of real paella ! So after uttering more than 50 times the word paella (no, I'm not from Marseille and I have nothing against people from Marseille), I finally leave you with the famous recipe.

recette de paella

Vegetable paella {vegan - sans gluten}
Pour 4 people
To print
  1. 250 g around the riz
  2. 60 key of water
  3. 10 prepared artichokes
  4. 100 grams of beans (fresh or frozen)
  5. 100 g peas (fresh or frozen)
  6. A dozen cherry tomatoes
  7. 1 green pepper
  8. 1 fennel
  9. 1 onion
  10. 50 g black olives
  11. 1 clove garlic
  12. 1 tablespoon of turmeric
  13. A few pistils of saffron
  14. 1 pinch of smoked paprika
  15. 12 cl d'huile d'olive
  16. 2 bay leaves
  17. 1/2 bunch of flat-leaf parsley
  18. Salt and pepper
  1. Start by preparing the vegetables by finely chopping the onion, fennel and bell pepper.
  2. Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan and gently sauté the onion 5 minutes. Then add the fennel and bell pepper and continue cooking 5 minutes to obtain a golden color. Add the pressed garlic clove and continue 1 minute.
  3. Then add the spices (except saffron) and the bay leaf and mix well with the vegetables. Then add the rice, stir and cook 2 minutes. Finally add the saffron, the water, salt and pepper, bring to the boil and reduce to very low heat for about 20 minutes (all the water must have been absorbed by the rice).
  4. During this time, blanch the beans and peas 2 minutes in salted boiling water before plunging them into cold water. Then remove the skin from the beans (optional). Cut the small artichokes into 4 in the length.
  5. At the end of 20 minutes add the artichokes, beans, peas and cherry tomatoes cut in half on top of the paella. Cover and cook 10 minutes
  6. Before serving, add the half-olives and the chopped parsley on top..
aime & mange
  paella facile


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  • Nina

    Oh hey, for the peas, I did not know, yet it seems to me that there was some in the paella that I ate in Barcelona (but since it was a year ago, I can't swear to anything…). However, I hear from the Spanish mother of one of my friends that there is no chorizo ​​in the real paella! (ah well she suddenly she has to put peas on the other hand, because my friend hates green vegetables and complains about having to sort the paella every time, that's why he prefers the one with seafood and squid ink which does not contain any!)
    Brief, at any rate, I also like peas so I put some anyway, already! I tested the vegan paella from Marie Laforêt's book, and I think I prefer the meatless version! I will try yours too, since it is a bit different!

    • Emilie

      Ah well you see I didn't know about the chorizo !!! It's true, I also prefer the meatless version., I think it's much lighter and much tastier. !

  • Royal Chill

    Haha we agree, peas are very good… and all those vegetables in it too! It makes our mouths water, we would have loved to taste that ! 🙂

  • Alison

    It is beautiful this paella you make me salivate 🙂

  • BoopCook

    j’adooore ! she looks more than delicious !

    • Emilie

      Oh yes I confirm Mathilde, a real treat !

  • Coco

    It looks delicious with all those good veggies.!

  • Clem

    she looks absolutely delicious ! and I will do like you, I will keep the peas !

  • ella

    a great little veggie recipe to try, merci !!

  • Lucie

    I just tested and approved ! I changed a few things for lack of ingredients : more beans because no peas, and asparagus since no artichokes :p It was delicious ! Thanks for the recipe 🙂

    • Emilie

      Ah cool, I'm glad she liked it ! Thanks to you 😉

  • I like that, I keep the recipe aside…

  • Laura

    Yum tested and approved. Your recipe is really delicious and yet I had no fennel. I loved it with the artichoke. For the record, I only found beans in Picard, in organic stores impossible. But at least they were washed and peeled 😉
    I keep your recipe thank you !

  • Yann

    I love your vegetable paella recipe 🙂
    I enjoy it every time I cook it !! So many good flavors and beautiful colors on the plate, I'm a fan and besides it is now part of our "classic" at home !
    Merci, merci, merci

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you very much Yann, I'm very touched 🙂

  • I have been wanting to try this recipe for a while and finally made it tonight.… and what a delight ! My husband and I really enjoyed ourselves ! Your recipe therefore immediately goes to the favorites folder ! Thank you very much 🙂

    • Emilie

      Many thanks Natasha for this return, I'm always super happy to know that your recipes are liked 🙂