Sweet potato stuffed with beet greens and pomegranate

Patate douce farcie aux fanes de betterave et grenade

Personne ne l’aura raté, aujourd’hui c’est Mardi Gras et qui dit Mardi Gras dit beignets, bugnes, oreillons et autres mets sucré et frits, frits, frits et re-frits !!! Et comme je ne suis pas friture à la maison (chez les autres pas de problème !) je ne vous propose pas une recette bien calorique aujourd’hui. Mais comme je sais que vous êtes de grands gourmands, vous pourrez toujours faire cette petite recette de brioche de carnaval. Brief, s’il y a bien un petit plat que j’affectionne ces derniers temps c’est bien la patate douce farcie, c’est ma « comfort food » du moment (with the lawyer in all its forms !). And then what's good about the stuffed sweet potato, is that you can adapt it to your desires and/or the contents of your fridge and make a perfectly healthy and balanced little dish.. Today it’s the beet tops that go into the pan, and it must be said that these are my favorite tops and almost the only ones that I eat, because I have never been a fan of fanes (easy pun, ok I'm leaving !) of carrots and that’s not for lack of having cooked them in a thousand and one different ways !!! This is not the first time that I offer you the sweet potato-pomegranate combination., there had already been a salad ici, but what do you want, it’s a bit like my Proust madeleine, because these flavors remind me of my trips to Israel.

And you, What’s your favorite dish of the moment? ?

Patate douce farcie aux fanes de betterave et grenade

Patate douce farcie aux fanes de betterave et grenade

Sweet potato stuffed with beet greens and pomegranate
Pour 2 people
To print
  1. 2 Sweet potatoes
  2. Tops from a bunch of beets
  3. 1 onion
  4. The seeds of half a pomegranate
  5. 1 pinch of Espelette pepper
  6. 1 tablespoon of coriander seeds
  7. Olive oil
  8. Salt and pepper
  1. Preheat the oven to 180°.
  2. Wash and cut the sweet potatoes in half lengthwise and place them on a baking tray. Drizzle with a little olive oil and place in the oven. 20-25 minutes.
  3. Wash and finely chop the beet tops and slice the onion.
  4. In a pan with a drizzle of olive oil, sweat the onion with the coriander seeds. 10 minutes over low heat and covered. Then add the tops and continue cooking 15 minutes. Season and add the Espelette pepper.
  5. Take the sweet potatoes out of the oven, open them slightly and add the chard filling.
  6. Finish by adding the pomegranate seeds.
aime & mange https://aime-mange.com/
Patate douce farcie aux fanes de betterave et grenade

Patate douce farcie aux fanes de betterave et grenade


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  • Leah

    This recipe is very original. ! And your photos always make me dream 🙂


    Stunning ! I love sweet potatoes, I have never cooked them this way in the oven, So I'm going to try this lovely recipe this weekend., On the other hand, I'm not sure I can find beet tops. .. have a nice day and thank you for all your wonderful recipes , I adore !

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you Nonette, you can replace them with spinach or chard 😉

  • Coco

    I don't cook sweet potatoes much, but this recipe makes me want to try :)

  • Nina

    Ah the sweet potato, we are fans at home too! We are delighted to find some at the market, we buy it every time and it ends up stuffed, mashed, in fries, … I agree with you on the carrot tops, It's not really my thing either, I find them very hard, even after cooking and even removing the stems…

    • Emilie

      Yes, favorite vegetable here too even if mini mademoiselle doesn’t like it 🙁

      • Nina

        Oh well that’s curious then, yet it’s as sweet as a vegetable! Like what, Everyone has their own tastes eh ^^

        • Emilie

          Yes, it's true, besides that she loves cabbage in all its forms 😉

  • Amelie

    Thank you for this discovery ! It really makes me want to taste it, I have a feeling this dish will be on the menu at our house very soon. !

    • Emilie

      Oh cool Amélie, I hope you will like it !