Crepe batter {without milk}

Pâte à crêpe

La chandeleur est passée mais l’envie de crêpes non, alors pour combler tout ça, pourquoi ne pas se préparer une bonne pâte à crêpe ?! Oui, parce que les crêpes c’est un peu quand on a en envie, tellement c’est enfantin à faire, alors à la maison on ne se prive pas et c’est souvent l’occasion d’un goûter le dimanche. Cette-fois-ci j’avoue ça n’était pas un dimanche mais un jour de semaine pendant le sieste de Mini-Mademoiselle, but what I can tell you is that I know two who were delighted to have pancakes for their breakfast the next morning !

Go heat up the crepe pan or the billig (for the more Breton among you) and prepare yourself a good snack this afternoon !


Pâte à crêpe sans lait

Pâte à crêpe maison

recette de crêpe

Good pancakes !


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  • How pretty are these pancakes ! Suffice to say that they absolutely do not help me curb this craving for pancakes that I have had since this morning..

    • Emilie

      Thanks my beauty, no I admit it's a bit of gluttony but you're often not bad in your style 😉

  • BoopCook

    they look good =)

  • Monica

    They look appetizing and are of a very beautiful bronze color. I'm going to have to wait because I don't have vegetable milk. Big thanks

  • Miss Pat'

    Emilie, your pancakes are so beautiful, they make me want so much ! Thank you for sharing, always with great photos. Kisses !

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Pat’ ^-^
      Kisses kisses and have a nice day !

  • Blandina

    Yum! Me who was looking for a more plant-based alternative for my pancakes, I'm glad to stumble upon this recipe.. I'm going to try it out next week., these pancakes look really good.
    Merci 🙂

    • Emilie

      Oh it's cool, I'm happy to make people happy !

  • Oumbil

    These pancakes look so good !

  • They are beautiful your pancakes!

  • Foodbiotic

    My last pancakes were a total fail. They were impossible to roll or fold and were crispy. I guess my fire was too strong. So I think I'll try this version of the recipe to see 🙂

    • Emilie

      Yes it is often the problem with pancakes, pan too hot or not hot enough !!! So I hope this will reconcile you with pancakes 😉

  • carine

    Bonjour , made this morning the pancakes are delicious 🙂 thank you for these beautiful recipes that you offer us . "Love and eat" is my favorite food blog!

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Carine, it touches me a lot 🙂 And thank you for this return on pancakes 😉