Si vous cliquez sur cette page, c’est à coup sûr que vous cherchez une recette et que vous êtes une fille / un garçon / un chien / une autruche / un phoque*… affamé et sans idées, tant mieux vous êtes au bon endroit !
Alors si vous voulez impressionner votre amoureuse/ amoureux / Tata Odette / Mamie Renée / votre boss*… où simplement vous faire plaisir, les rubriques qui suivent sont faites pour vous, et rien de plus simple car il n’y a que 4 catégories de recettes (je n’ai pas dis que vous étiez limités hein !) :
Bonne balade !
*(cross out unnecessary mentions)
31.8.14Je suis en train de faire cuire le gâteau à la courge, my comments will follow.
I have some squash left apart from a soup could I make a burger or something with it?
1.9.14Oh I hope you like it, I loved ! Yes you can make pancakes like these but you have to cook the squash first or this terrine
I hope that answers your question !
See you soon 😉
williaume virginie
17.11.14I adore!!!!
18.11.14Many thanks <3
25.11.14Hello, I have just discovered your blog on Pinterest where I now follow you.. I love your blog it is nice and you make me discover beautiful and appetizing recipes.
26.11.14Thank you very much Julie, it's adorable 😉
See you soon here then !
Sophie Pouyade
A friend made me discover your site it is a lot of pleasure to devour the photos and the recipes. I discover fun recipes but above all something to "gluttonize" my guests who are always very curious.!
31.1.15Thank you very much Sophie it's adorable !
13.9.15Merci, Emilie for this beautiful and good (!) site, Yesterday I cooked the "stew my way" and the "homemade potatoes", a delight, I just marinated the meat for 2 hours (no more) for the stew. Your recipes are all mouth-watering and original.. Odile
8.10.15Thank you very much Odile, I am delighted that these little dishes have you more 😉
20.9.15I just made the banana bread (vegan), It's a delight, pecans replaced with almonds, applesauce replaced with compote + blueberry (!), this bread is soft and delicious… thank you. Odile
8.10.15Oh super, I love that my recipes are personalized !!! Glad you liked it 🙂
6.1.16I just discovered your blog after receiving “the bloggers invite you to an aperitif”, and it is simply Fantastic. Thank you for making it beautiful and good for those with milk intolerance.
All my best wishes for delicious treats for 2016!
14.1.16Thank you very much Cendrine, I’m delighted 😉
Beautiful year !!!
folch. francoise
11.1.16Well done, very nice site
it whets the appetite
14.1.16Thank you Françoise for this little note !