Lemon meringue pie with bergamot {without milk}

Tarte au citron meringuée à la bergamote {sans lait}

Chose promis chose due, je vous annonçais une petite recette de tarte au citron meringuée il y a quelques temps alors la voilà ! Et comme j’avais encore de la bergamote sous le coude, j’ai refais mon curd à la bergamote pour en faire une recette de tarte au citron. Comme chez nous il n’y a pas de tarte au citron sans meringue, tout comme il n’y a pas d’avion sans ailes et bien je l’ai recouverte d’une meringue italienne. Bref cette tarte est crémeuse à souhait si bien qu’on a du mal à s’arrêter, yes you know when it's good…

Don't worry if you can't find bergamot, either you replace it with another citrus fruit, either with bergamot essential oil, in any case this pie is a basic to have in her wardrobe in her favorite cookbook.

Tarte au citron meringuée à la bergamote {sans lait}

Tarte au citron meringuée à la bergamote {sans lait}

Lemon meringue pie with bergamot {without milk}
Pour 1 tarte
To print
  1. 250 g semi-whole wheat flour
  2. 125 g vegetable margarine
  3. 60 g cane sugar
  4. 1 egg
  5. 1 pinch of salt
  7. 60 g egg whites
  8. 120 grams of sugar
  9. 30 grams of water
  11. 65 g cane sugar
  12. 30 g deodorized coconut oil
  13. 20 g vegetable margarine
  14. 2 eggs
  15. Juice and zest of one lemon
  16. Juice and zest of a bergamot
  17. 1 teaspoon of cornstarch
  1. Start by preparing the dough, for this work the margarine and the sugar by hand or with a mixer fitted with a leaf. Then add the whole egg and work the mixture again. Add the flour and salt all at once and mix until you get a smooth batter.. Form a ball and refrigerate 30 minutes.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200°.
  3. Roll out the dough on 3-4 mm thick and press it into a pie pan.
  4. Bake blank 15/20 minutes.
  5. For the curd, beat the eggs in an omelet in a mixing bowl then add the juice and zest of the bergamot and lemon and the cornstarch. Put the bowl in the double boiler over high heat and whisk until the mixture thickens (it takes about 15 minutes for the preparation to rise in temperature). Add the coconut oil and margarine off the heat., whisk well.
  6. Pour the mixture over the cooled pastry base and set aside in the fridge.
  7. For the meringue, mix the water and the sugar and raise the syrup to 115° without stirring.
  8. As the syrup heats up, beat the egg whites then when the syrup is ready add it in a drizzle on the egg whites with a mixer at low speed then once all the syrup has been poured continue to beat at high speed until the meringue has cooled down.
  9. Spoon the meringue into a piping bag and pipe dots onto the pie.
  10. All you have to do is taste !
aime & mange https://aime-mange.com/
Tarte au citron meringuée à la bergamote {sans lait}

Tarte au citron meringuée à la bergamote {sans lait}


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  • LadyMilonguera

    She's pretty like all your pie !

  • Audrey

    Rolala sorry I repeat myself but it's beautiful!! For the trouble I "pine" everything 😀 (by the way your pinterest badges are very beautiful, new no?) Kisses

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you Audrey it's too cute 😉 Yes you have the eye !!! Kisses

  • Oh how beautiful she is, it's fresh, it makes you want !!!

  • Royal Chill

    Mmmmm I like, I like, I like 🙂 🙂

  • Sublime pie ! I really want to test it !! 🙂

  • Cecilecooks

    I'm curious about the taste of this pie.. I know the bergamot in macaroon, in my morning tea. But in pie… never tested and I confess that it makes me really want !

    • Emilie

      Thank you Cécile 😉 You wouldn't be out of place because it's the same taste and in addition with the acidity of the lemon it's just… Yum !

  • Ella

    I just discovered your site.
    I had planned to make a lemon meringue pie with my sauce and came across yours by chance. So I think I'll try your recipe for a change. For a totally vegetable version, maybe I'll make it with egg whites made from chickpea juice. You've already tried? I would have liked to gild them with a blowtorch, but I'm not sure they resist, like those from chicken eggs. So we'll see. Anyway, I also love the lemon beldi that I find without any problem in organic shops every year, in the right season. At this time, I will have to settle for the classic lemons, because it is no longer the season for beldi, even less bergamot.
    It's by looking for a recipe for a light "millionaire shortbread", even vegan, I came across your site. I am going to try this great recipe.! Do you ever use coconut oil instead of margarine. I know it doesn't give the same texture, but if you have any tips, I'm involved! Moi, I always get a harder shortbread, which is normal with coconut oil which freezes once cooled…
    Congratulations for this nice site.! The recipes are as tempting as the photos are beautiful. It is a very beautiful work of talented passionate! Merci!

    • Emilie

      Thank you so much Ella for your message.. Yes egg whites with chickpea juice is just magic, on the other hand I have never tried to color them with a blowtorch, to have ! As for coconut oil, I have it in my kitchen but I use it less often than margarine. (question of cost) but it is true that it makes the shortbread firmer !

  • Eve

    For the curd we add the sugar at which stage please ?