Complete endive and onion tart {vegan}

Tarte complète aux endives et aux oignons

Les tartes salées c’est un peu ma botte secrète pour déguster un repas rapide et savoureux. Servies avec une bonne salade composée, elles sont la clé d’un repas équilibré sans trop de préparation. Bah oui parce qu’on va quand même pas passé toute notre vie en cuisine (même si on aime ça ! ) !!!

En plus il n’y a que des bonnes choses et en version vegan, Yeah, c’est bon pour nous alors régalez-vous !

Tarte complète aux endives et aux oignons

Tarte complète aux endives et aux oignons

And you, quelle est votre botte secrète pour des repas rapides et équilibrés ?!

Complete endive and onion tart {vegan}


  • 3 endives
  • 3 onions
  • 1 c. to s. cumin seeds
  • 1 filet d’huile d’olive
  • Salt and pepper

Pour la pâte complète

  • 150 g whole wheat flour
  • 50 g de flocons d’avoine
  • 5 c. to s. water
  • 4 c. to s. olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt


Prepare the dough, To do this, mix the dry ingredients together then add the olive oil.. Sand the dough with your fingertips then add water gradually. Work the dough to form a homogeneous mixture. let stand 1 hour.

Wash and cut the endives into strips then finely chop the onions.

Heat a drizzle of olive oil in a pan then add the endives, onions and cumin seeds. Leave to sweat over low heat for approximately 20 minutes, stirring frequently;

Preheat the oven from the bottom to 200°.

Spread the dough on 4 mm thick then add the endive mixture, onion on top.

Bake 25-30 minutes.

Tarte complète aux endives et aux oignons

Tarte complète aux endives et aux oignons

Good pie (hot or cold )!


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  • Olivia

    Your pie looks delicious, with lots of good ingredients !

  • Super!

  • Champion

    a very delicious recipe and your photos are superb!!!

  • Rose Citron

    I love cooked endives, I love onions, this pie is made for me!

  • ladymilonguera

    An original tart that I would like to try…

  • Celine {A&CN}

    Hold, a secret tip like mine! I really like this tart, perfect for this change of season…

  • Marie

    Here too, savory pie is the cure for everything 🙂

  • My god, this tart looks GOOD! !!!!

  • Estelle

    An endive tart… I would never have thought of it. But your photos make me really want, I will note this and I will test.
    You amaze me very often Émilie !!
    Have a nice evening 🙂

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you very much miss for your compliments 😉

  • BoopCook

    it must be absolutely delicious, I love the dough =P

  • And

    A pie the way I like them!

  • The lemon

    What a beautiful little tart !

  • Lolotte

    humm elel this tart looks delicious to me! To try urgently!

  • Maillan

    I discovered your blog a few days ago…what a pleasure!
    A feast for the eyes and surely soon for the taste buds!
    Bravo! And thank you! Melody

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Maillan for your compliments 😀

  • Oh yes, this onion-endive mixture is great, and this oatmeal dough tempts me more than more ! I love the “fine tart” side, It seems perfect for an aperitif and what’s more, I have everything I need at home 😀

    • Emilie

      I confirm to you, it's peckish like nothing !!! Thank you my beautiful 😉

  • Licorice

    I really like, I have endives in the fridge, no pure meal ideas tonight, I think you just convinced me :)

  • Drumix

    Nice recipe, I'm testing this evening – it will change my (very good but repetitive) endive tatin ! Verdict tomorrow !

  • Drumix

    Tested as expected and… widely approved ! Thank you for this recipe !

    • Emilie

      Oh awesome, thank you very much Drumix 😀

  • BirdsloveCherry

    Oh, So I finally took the time to try this recipe and it’s delicious.!
    I put it online on my blog with a link to your site if you might be interested :)

    • Emilie

      Thank you so much, We are very pleased that you have tested and approved !!!