Verrine of citrus cake, coconut and passion {sans gluten – without milk}

Verrine de gâteau

Je ne sais pas si ça vous fait pareil mais on attend toujours impatiemment les fêtes de fin d’année et celles-ci passent toujours trop vite (en particulier Noël !), enfin bon c’est comme ça ! J’espère au moins que grâce aux petites recettes que je vous propose vous avez moins à penser et plus à profiter, c’est en quelque sorte mon petit cadeau perso rien que pour vous (oui parce que là moi je suis en train de galérer sur mon menu du reveillon du Nouvel An, car comprenez bien que nous n’allons pas remanger ce que nous avons dégusté il y a quelques jours !!!). So today it’s a little dessert proposal, a light dessert : a glass of citrus cake served with coconut whipped cream and passion fruit. It's very simple to do, you don’t even need to turn on or overload the oven because it’s a steamed cake and what’s more it can be prepared in advance.

Anyway, I will see you after January 1st with more “ordinary” recipes and in the meantime wish you a wonderful end of the year 2016.

Verrine de gâteau recette

Gâteau aux agrumes

Verrine of steamed citrus cake, coconut and passion {sans gluten - without milk}
Pour 4 verrines
To print
  1. 200 g of citrus jam (here orange)
  2. 4 eggs
  3. 80 g ground almonds
  4. 80 g rice flour
  5. 2 teaspoons of yeast
  7. 1 box of refrigerated coconut milk
  8. 30 g icing sugar
  9. 1/2 vanilla pod
  11. 1 passion fruit
  1. Beat the eggs then add the jam, mix well. Add the almond powder, flour and yeast and mix.
  2. Divide the preparation into 4 verrines with a lid.
  3. Put to cook 18-20 min in steam cooker. Once cooked, let cool completely.
  4. Prepare the whipped cream, to do this, open the can of coconut milk on top and collect the cream. Beat it until you obtain whipped cream., add the icing sugar and vanilla seeds then continue beating 30 seconds. Put the whipped cream in a pocket with a fluted nozzle.
  5. Pipe the whipped cream on the cakes then finish by adding passion fruit.
  6. Refrigerate if done in advance.
aime & mange
Verrine de gâteau vapeur

recette de verrine de gâteau


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  • Regine

    I don't have a steamer. Is it possible to bake the dough in the oven in ramekins ? If yes, at what temperature ?
    Thank you in advance for your response !

    • Emilie

      It is possible to cook them in the oven in a bain-marie at around 170° 25-30 min (I advise you to test the cooking with a knife).

  • Dupuis

    So many beautiful photos and great recipes



    • Emilie

      Oh thank you very much Christelle for this message 🙂