Black sushi burger {vegan – sans gluten}

Black sushi burger {vegan - sans gluten}

Un black sushi burgeren voilà une idée folle, et bien oui mais quand j’ai en tête quelque chose il faut que je teste ! So yes, d’habitude dans un sushi la garniture est à l’extérieur et bien là on inverse et on la met à l’intérieur ! Et puis je ne vous cache pas que j’avais une deuxième envie, celle de tester le riz noir, et je peux vous dire que j’ai dû faire le tour des magasins bio de la ville pour en trouver, mais ça en valait la peine car le résultat est vraiment celui que j’attendais. Taste level black rice is a brown rice so it is a little crunchy than ordinary rice, which adds extra texture to the sushi. Brief, I'm sure this recipe will be all the rage for your next aperitif dinner with friends and yet you will see, it's not that hard to do, even less complicated than making sushi or california rolls !

I made this crazy recipe for an Instagram contest where you can win a cruise, and as we are sorely lacking romantic holidays with Monsieur, I keep my fingers crossed (and if you could cross them for me too because the more the merrier !).

Black sushi burger {vegan - sans gluten}


Black sushi burger {vegan - sans gluten}
Pour 8 burger
To print
  1. 170 g black rice
  2. 1 tablespoon of rice vinegar
  3. 1/2 tablespoon of sugar
  4. 1 little spoon of salt
  6. 1 attorney
  7. 1/2 mango
  8. 100 g sprouted seeds (here alfalfa)
  9. Grated raw red beetroot (here lactofermented)
  10. 8 salad leaves
  11. The juice of half a lemon
  12. You sell
  13. Sushi seaweed sheets
  1. Cook the rice, without rinsing it, as indicated on the package.
  2. During this time, mix together the rice vinegar, sugar and salt and stir to dissolve the sugar.
  3. Once the rice is cooked, transfer it to a large platter and pour the sauce over it. Stir with chopsticks so as not to "to break" rice grains. Cover with a cloth and let rest 10 minutes.
  4. Take ramekins with a spherical bottom or, failing that, muffin molds and cover the bottom with cling film. Arrange in the bottom of the ramekin 2 tablespoons of rice and tamp well. Cover this first layer of rice with film and make a second layer on top with a little less rice. Tamp again and cover with film. Do the same with all the rice and keep cool 3 hours.
  5. Prepare the filling, to do this, mash the avocado with the lemon juice and salt and thinly slice the mango with a mandolin.
  6. Turn out the rice burgers and add the salad, beet, mashed avocado, sprouted seeds and mango.
  7. Put the hat on top and add some filaments of seaweed sheet.
  8. Serve with wasabi, soy sauce and pickled ginger.
aime & mange
Black sushi burger {vegan - sans gluten}

Black sushi burger {vegan - sans gluten}


Répondre à Lucile from Cancel reply

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  • Hello !

    I find your recipe SUPER original, and super cute !

    It looks delicious !

    Nice end of the day.

  • Muriel


  • Celine

    Sooooo beautiful =D

  • Ophelia

    I find this idea so cool.

  • Wooooooh, splendid !!
    How does the rice stand ? I cooked a lot this winter (especially in risotto) but as it is crunchy I would not have dared for sushi.
    Finally, at the tasting, it turns ne chirashi I imagine ?

    • Emilie

      The one I used holds up well because it lays cool ! Yes it is a bit like that 😉

  • Royal Chill

    The photos are so beautiful and the idea so original ! <3

  • Ania

    Your burgers are awesome!!

  • in his voice

    Oh, it's so beautiful ! It's a very original idea.. So I'm crossing my fingers for the cruise. Good luck.

    • Emilie

      Merci, thank you and thank you again 😉

  • Nina

    Wow, that's visually impressive.! Then it must be good! (note to self : never look at your blog at mealtime again, it's torture haha)

    • Emilie

      Ahah it's the trap of going around the blogs at lunch/dinner time 😉

  • GeeketteCuisine

    MIOUM ! Really looking forward to being able to eat rice again to test this recipe !

  • Rehoboth

    Wonderful post