Ornithogales and burrata

Ornithogales et burrata

Ça faisait un petit moment que j’avais envie de découvrir l’ornithogale mais je n’avais jamais eu la chance d’en trouver. Je ne sais pas si vous connaissez cette petite chose mais on l’appelle aussi asperge des bois car elle en a le goût (même si c’est un abus de langage car ça n’est pas à proprement parlé une asperge). SO, quand j’en ai trouvé je me suis fait plaisir et j’ai pris une botte de 500 g, et je peux vous dire que j’ai bien fait car mini mademoiselle à dévoré ça comme des ptits pains ! It's not really a recipe that I'm offering you today but just a blend of ingredients with something I love: the burrata. Freshly cooked ornithogales accompanied by a creamy burrata served with a good olive oil, fleur de sel and pepper, this is the pinnacle of happiness for me these last few days !

If you ever couldn't find birdwings, nothing prevents you from eating a good burrata with good bread simply !

Ornithogales et burrata

Ornithogales et burrata

Ornithogales and burrata
Pour 2 people
To print
  1. 1 boot of 300 g d'ornithogales (forest asparagus)
  2. 1 burrata
  3. Sweet olive oil
  4. Flower of salt
  5. Pepper
  1. Cook the birdwings 4 minutes in salted boiling water then plunge them into cold water to stop the cooking.
  2. Serve with burrata, a good drizzle of olive oil, fleur de sel and pepper.
aime & mange https://aime-mange.com/
  Ornithogales et burrata

Ornithogales et burrata

Ornithogales et burrata


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  • Audrey

    I see that we have the same happiness!! A creamy burrata, bread and good olive oil.. As much to tell you that your photos are a real torture 😀

  • Nice recipe!

  • My mouth is watering !! Beautiful day

  • I didn't know they were called that asparagus!
    What a delicious burrata, mmhh. And your photos are a delight! (I'm salivating)


  • Coco

    I didn't know about ornithogales but you made me want to find out 🙂

  • Cecilecooks

    Just a delight ! And still amazing photos…

  • Miss K

    I was lucky to be found this year. It was a discovery. It's very fine and good in addition to being pretty as anything and very green. Thank you for this tasting idea..

  • CookieM

    This pretty little plant does not reach Normandy, to my knowledge ! I don't know if I'll ever have the chance, either to taste it, either to find. We can not have everything, but thank you for the beautiful pictures.

  • Mynyma

    Hello Emily,

    I found your blog a few months ago., and frankly what a treat! Your visuals, your recipes, your ideas… everything is alive, i got, beau, appetizing.
    Me who loves so much to discover new tastes and textures, Your article definitely intrigued me.! I didn't know ornithogales at all, I love discovering new tastes! So thank you for this great article.. I hope one day to be able to find some on the market stalls.

    Good for you