Currant Scones {without milk}

Scones aux groseilles

J’avais déjà testée une recette de « on dirait des scones mais ça n’en est pas vraiment », avec cette recette de scones rustiques à la farine de seigle, mais aussi de vrais scones à la farine de châtaigne (qui soit dit en passant étaient une tuerie !), mais jamais une version plus classique comme ces scones aux groseilles. Alors comment vous dire çavraiment mais alors vraiment, il n’y a rien de plus simple que de préparer des scones…I know it doesn't seem like that at first but I swear, you will be amazed at the simplicity of the exercise (good to complicate things you could do abs at the same time….no actually let it go !). I replaced the butter and milk with margarine and vegetable milk for a healthier and lighter version but these scones are not to be ashamed of (yes they are already half with their currants !), in front of the classic English version !

So run to your kitchen, pop the flour and let's go for a good round of redcurrant scones children !

Recette de scones aux groseilles

Recette de scones aux groseilles

Currant Scones {without milk}
Pour 8 scones
To print
  1. 310 g whole wheat flour
  2. 150 g currants
  3. 75 g vegetable margarine
  4. 2 eggs
  5. 45 g cane sugar
  6. 2 cuillères à soupe de lait d'avoine
  7. 2 teaspoons of baking powder
  1. Put the flour and baking powder in a bowl.
  2. Ajoutez la margarine et sablez la pâte du bout des doigts afin d'obtenir comme une consistance de crumble grossier.
  3. Ajoutez le sucre, les œufs et le lait puis mélangez grossièrement avec une spatule.
  4. Ajoutez les groseilles puis rassemblez la pâte en une boule.
  5. Leave to cool 20 minutes.
  6. Preheat the oven to 180°.
  7. Spread the dough on 1,5 cm d'épaisseur en forme de cercle et sur une feuille de papier sulfurisé.
  8. Découpez en 6/8 parts.
  9. Bake 20 minutes.
aime & mange
  Recette de scones aux groseilles

Scones aux groseilles

Bon petit déjeuner !


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  • velvet red

    I did that a long time ago! It's so good! Your recipe does not have to be ashamed because I find it brilliant!
    Thank you Emily!

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much miss 😉 So this is the right opportunity’ to get back to you !

  • papaya

    Well, I just have to find currants ! ^^

  • BoopCook

    they look very GOOD !

  • Leah

    wow !! They are really too beautiful these scones !!! And I know myself, I ate it almost every day for 2 weeks 😉
    good holidays !?

    • Emilie

      Thanks my beauty ! Yes you must have tasted quite a few of them 😉
      Yes perfect ! Yours looked nice too !

  • It must be delicious! Next time I make scones, it will be this recipe! Merci 😉

    • Emilie

      Oh cool Sixtine ! You tell me about it !!!

  • I've never made scones but if I had some currants on hand I'll try it right away… Nice crockery by the way !

    • Emilie

      So you have to try, it's so easy to do ! Thank you miss, English crockery, that's true !!!

  • Royal Chill

    Too much fan of these photos and this recipe <3 Just wow

    • Emilie

      wow thank you girls, you are adorable <3

  • moum007

    these scones look absolutely divine!

  • Chestnut

    Too handsome, just huge ^^ I'm tempted to run into my kitchen right now, but at 10:00 p.m. I think it would border on madness, sad !

    • Emilie

      Lol !!! Yes I confirm it is not reasonable, though !!!

  • Oh these scones are making me look terrible !!
    And if the recipe is very simple, then there is no reason not to … (So I have to try the experiment again. : my only attempt at savory scones was a failure)

    • Emilie

      Thank you Valérie 😉 Oh so yes you have to test this to reconcile with the scones !!!

  • Lou

    Simply irresistible !

  • Virginia

    A very nice gourmet blog that I discovered
    I can't wait for the gooseberry season to test it