Rustic strawberry rhubarb tart {vegan}

Tarte rustique fraise rhubarbe

Fraise-rhubarbe, le mélange est déjà bien connu des gourmands (j’adore aussi le mélange framboise rhubarbe déjà testé ici et ici mais ça c’est une autre affaire !), mais je ne résiste pas à vous en proposer une version tarte rustique toute simple. La tarte c’est un peu le dessert parfait (avec le clafoutis, le crumble…) quand comme moi, on oublie les fruits dans le frigoOui mais pas grave car nous nous sommes bien rattrapés avec cette tarte rustique fraise rhubarbe que nous avons tous dévorée à l’heure du goûter, je suis sûre que chez vous, it won't last long either. And then associating rhubarb with strawberries is the right way to break its acidity and make it loved by children.

Small bonus if you are on vacation, you don't even need a pie pan, bon, but you still need an oven !!!

Tarte fraise rhubarbe

recette de tarte rustique fraise rhubarbe

Rustic Strawberry Tart - rhubarb {vegan}
Pour 1 tarte
To print
  1. 500 g strawberries
  2. 6 rhubarb stalks
  3. 2 tablespoons of brown sugar
  5. 190 g T80 flour
  6. 90 g vegetable margarine
  7. 5 cl of cold water
  8. 2 tablespoons of whole sugar
  1. Prepare the dough by sandblasting by hand or in a food processor fitted with a sheet, flour, sugar and margarine. Then add the water gradually and work to form a smooth paste.. Make a ball and keep cool 30 minutes.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200° on the bottom.
  3. Roll out the dough on 3-4 mm thick forming a circle.
  4. Cut the rhubarb into sections after shredding it and cut the strawberries into pieces.
  5. Arrange the fruit on the bottom of the pastry, leaving 4 cm on the edges. Sprinkle everything with sugar. Fold the edges of the dough over the fruit.
  6. Bake 25 minutes.
aime & mange
  Tarte rustique fraise rhubarbe recette


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  • BoopCook

    how delicious is your pie ! j’adooore =P

  • Cecilecooks

    I love this kind of pies ! It looks like the apricot and cherry one, and just has to be, once again, delicious. And by eye, a real pleasure.

  • CookieM

    She makes this pie salivate !
    My men (husband and son… do we get on well !) always leave the "sidewalk" (edge of the pie). is, impossible to spoil.

    • Emilie

      Ah yes the sidewalk (same expression with us !) is stuffed here so no worries 😉

  • Coco

    It is really very appetizing and really makes you want to taste it.!

  • Chestnut

    A safe bet for your pie 😉 On the other hand, I'm skipping my turn, definitely too hot ^^

  • Clementine

    moi, as soon as there is rhubarb, I'm there ^^

    • Emilie

      Ahah I understand you I'm a big fan too !!!

  • Rustic pies are making my head spin right now ! I made one with rhubarb a few days ago, and we had so much fun that I plan to do it again, but salty this time, with tomato !
    Gourmet kisses,

    • Emilie

      Yes I love them too and in a salty version too 😉

  • Anne

    And There you go, recipe made ! Haven't tasted it yet since I couldn't see myself devouring a slice and serving it with a missing piece tonight (though, people should actually understand ! It should even be normal ;-)) but what i can say is that it was very quick and easy to do, I simply replaced the margarine with almond puree.

    I send some photos by email (not as beautiful as here, of course !) to attest to it ! Thank you so much, Emilie !

    • Emilie

      Oh great Anne thank you very much for this greedy return !!! Yes, I too sometimes hold myself back so as not to eat a slice of the cakes that I bring to friends 😉

  • Very beautiful this rustic pie!!

  • chezdamien

    it looks very tasty !!